Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] who had not " in BNC.

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1 Big birds weigh more , but a smaller proportion of that weight is fat , ) Corroboration comes from the observation that males who had not formed pairs were in worse condition than those that had .
2 The questionnaire was therefore designed in such a way that teachers who had not seen the Solihull booklet would not complete part one .
3 FREE School meals will be given to all entitled children , Essex county councillors were assured yesterday , after one member raised fears that pupils who had not returned an application form would go hungry .
4 Speaking after a meeting with EC Finance Ministers in Luxembourg he envisaged that a smaller number of countries with low inflation ( France , West Germany , Belgium , Netherlands and Luxembourg ) would enter a European central banking system and that others who had not reached the same degree of economic convergence , or were not ready to give up sufficient sovereignty rights , would be invited to enter later .
5 The meal was peaceful , but when it was over the doors burst open and in surged a crowd of painters and models who had n't been invited .
6 In her girls ' school , it was a bit like joining a club — " girls who had on this side , and girls who had n't on that side " .
7 It 's like , girls who had on that side , and girls who had n't on that side , — can I join , kind of thing .
8 The above were all covered by the Corporation Superannuation Scheme , but there are believed to have been more motormen and conductors who had not been long enough with the Corporation to qualify .
9 And the swarm of people flowed down the path , stumbling on stones where a burn ran in winter or after thunderstorms , between the silvery wands of rowans with their clusters of blood-drops and the quivering tapestry of the alders , down into the Tay which ran from the west like molten iron , too flashing bright to look at , and over the Tay , wet to the waist ; the girls and boys who had not gone home were prancing and shrieking when they fell full length .
10 It was a turning point for the business and set Thomas Cook on the road to opening up the world to men and women who had not dreamed of travelling before .
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