Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The absence of trunks or limbs to go with the heads implies that they were mounted on clay or wooden bodies which have subsequently disintegrated , probably simple wooden xoana .
2 ‘ If animals or men go into the marsh , they will sink into it and die .
3 I 've been told that prices go to the publishers six weeks before publication , but in this instance the price had changed three months previously .
4 I also like to make hats and accessories to go with the clothes .
5 While ahead were the threatening lights of houses and cars going round the perimeter of the Park .
6 Receiving a script , which bears all the writer 's material on the right hand side of the page , the Director 's stage directions to his cameras and microphones go on the left hand side .
7 ‘ We both had harnesses on and wires going into the cradle , so we were perfectly safe .
8 More than forty dealers in furniture and the decorative arts will participate and proceeds go to the Carnegie Museum of Art .
9 They tend to be at the top and then there 's sort of little bits and pieces go at the bottom .
10 Teachers and classes go to the room to use the machine .
11 A large part of the population from the village we studied , located 15 km from the capital , work in Brazzaville ( where drugs are readily available ) ; and relatives go to the village at weekends and can carry drug-resistant parasites back and forth .
12 With all these advantages it is not surprising that a great deal of effort and resources go into the provision of simulators for high technology industry .
13 You can make any number of letters and parcels to go around the postbox , and it would be fun to pipe or paint the names of the party guests on the individual envelopes .
14 Richard and Peter acquired roles to match the sesterces , and names to go with the roles : Gaius Marcus Mollandius and Petronius Redburnus .
15 the grapes are crushed and the juice ( or must ) and skins go into the fermentation vat .
16 In the case of all the other varieties , the must and skins go into the fermentation tanks together .
17 The duchy resources were still used on behalf of the royal retinue and it is striking that most of the best offices and farms went to the king 's household .
18 The duchy resources were still used on behalf of the royal retinue and it is striking that most of the best offices and farms went to the king 's household .
19 The gunmen kept firing and bullets went through the victim , injuring the youth trapped underneath him .
20 Mr Justice Cooke said that if receivers went beyond the point where they had completed their duties , they might be liable to account as trespassers .
21 They arrived in July 1547 and took the castle , after a brief siege featuring a spectacular air-battle in which the outer walls were battered by artillery hoisted on to the church steeple of St Salvator 's College and the abbey walls ; the lairds disappeared into prison in France , and Knox and others went to the galleys .
22 One of the commonest rituals was for men and women to go into the fields and couple , as imitative magic , enabling the crops to germinate and flourish , followed by leaping dances to encourage them to grow .
23 We had decided to print birthday messages to him in the Beirut press and once again our love and thoughts went over the telex and into a vacuum .
24 The first time Frank and Danielle Sheahan saw the West Usk Lighthouse near Cardiff , South Wales , chickens nested on the window sills , goats wandered in the living room and cows went to the bathroom in the bathroom !
25 We had to have waders and tractors to go through the streets .
26 He then left the pub , but police went to the house where he was staying and tried to persuade him to come out .
27 The white paper is a prescription for a massively scaled-down industry in which a small number of pits will fill the market while others go by the wayside .
28 On the following Monday some of them pursued him to a review that was taking place on Wimbledon Common , while others went to the City , occupied the Royal Exchange and picketed the coffee houses , carrying placards reading More Wages .
29 Well , the scriptures really mention how a man drives for the kingdom of God , so mainly it 's the man , I do n't know whether women go to the , the heavenly ground , it does n't actually mention that does it anywhere ?
30 But its modern image as the ultimate safe stockbroker belt has been shattered as firms go to the wall and homes are repossessed .
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