Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 The company of your own family , partner , or friends will help you to maintain self-discipline , and increase your enjoyment of eating .
2 Any of the following signs or symptoms may cause you to be suspicious : water retention asthma abdominal bloating migraine headache abdominal wind insomnia abdominal pain anxiety or irritability diarrhoea constipation eczema puffy eyelids rhinitis ( sneezing or a runny nose ) swollen fingers or ankles
3 The problem was that clubs would let you play only if you had a club handicap , but you could n't get a handicap without playing .
4 Neither interviews nor questionnaires can tell you how people behave in a social situation .
5 Although fans will tell you there is nothing as exciting as attacking football , those who frequent ‘ The Tip ’ have probably never witnessed a game between two attacking sides .
6 ‘ It 's a lot rarer than novelists would have you believe . ’
7 The text and maps will show you exactly where .
8 There is much to see , and hopefully the detailed instructions and maps will prevent you from getting lost .
9 But , according to Boots , rechargeable batteries and chargers can save you more than £70 a year .
10 Starting from July 8 , a repeat showing for the series of six half-hour programmes in which Geoff Hamilton shows how growing fruits and vegetables can give you an attractive as well as productive garden .
11 ‘ If your mind is pure , your enemies will be your friends , tigers and serpents will approach you but they will not devour you .
12 Pedal-power is making a comeback to the city 's streets and cyclists will tell you it 's the only way to motor , and you beat all the traffic jams .
13 And if you are stuck for supplies or a place to work then a listing of major suppliers , studios and darkrooms will accommodate you .
14 To quote : ‘ The nature and demands may neccessitate you to work at times other than your normal hours .
15 Leisure studies , interests and hobbies will keep you on your toes so if you 're a couch potato or telly addict you 'd better change your ways .
16 Because their springs and springs can hurt you .
17 Clarification of such issues and principles will give you immense strength in your management task — actually giving you more power to achieve your destined goal .
18 Clearly defined aims and objectives will bring you the results you desire , and remember : if you do n't know where you are going , then how are you going to know when you have got there .
19 ‘ Afraid your lords and masters will fire you if you allow me a few minutes to put the subject on hold ? ’
20 These , as parents and pupils would tell you , include the equal treatment of all pupils regardless of race , religion or gender .
21 and pull-ups may help you escape
22 The distinctive aroma of chocolate and liqueurs will entice you to view the delectable selection of hand made quality chocolates and fudge made daily at the village confectionery .
24 Some firms will need chasing , and others will push you .
25 Help yourself and others will help you .
26 Most sailing courses can provide buoyancy aids and waterproof clothing , while a pair of trainers and shorts will get you by with a borrowed lifejacket while crewing in the summer .
27 Naipaul has long been a reader of Conrad , and Guerrillas can make you think of Nostromo .
28 Some dealers who supply design software are able to supply computers , while others can advise you where to go for help .
29 As guidebooks will tell you , you should not rush your acclimatisation period when you arrive in the Far East .
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