Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Power ’ refers to the degree to which individuals or groups can impose their will on others , with or without the consent of those others .
2 Peter Barford , manager of IBM 's usability consultancy , runs a £25 million testing centre at Greenford , Middlesex , where clients can install their systems , complete with furniture , fittings and users , in an observation room .
3 Our personal aspirations or dissatisfactions may lead us to seek out new opportunities .
4 From December 10th–15th at Earls Court , top designer names and leading high street stores will present their dazzling displays of style before huge audiences and as always , there 'll be the ever-popular make-over stands where visitors can treat themselves to a new look .
5 Hill running or intervals will improve your strength and leg power .
6 For Taureans , unexpected guests or visitors may train your temper .
7 At their most basic this might be a name and address book that can dial the number selected , but the target is for more sophisticated uses , such as the shared white board approach , where workers can doodle their ideas on the computer screens linked by one 64kbps B channel , while chatting about them on a phone connected over the second channel .
8 Outside there is an attractive walled garden with mature sycamore trees , herbaceous borders and a lawn which is home to a wide variety of birds , who are encouraged to visit the dining room window , where guests may observe them with the aid of the proprietor 's binoculars and telescope !
9 The hotel 's sommelier records the origins of the wines in a large book , where guests can add their own comments and those who select a special vintage from one of the great chateau have their names inscribed in copper .
10 Tomorrow , he 'll be flown back to his ship , where officers will decide his punishment .
11 Officials at the University of California estimate that a ban on buying animals from animal shelters or pounds would cost them up to $3 million a year .
12 Beauty flowed from her also ; although it was shrouded I knew that it was there , no veil or coverings could obscure it — at least , to my imagination .
13 Windsurf intermediates or novices will enjoy themselves immensely if they 're to stick to the sheltered area when the winds are stronger .
14 In the drawing room there was none of the untidy , unmatched squalor that made the morning room a place where troubles or pleasures could have their breathing spaces .
15 Rockers or nothings would wear them .
16 The artificial nature of such methods has often been criticized ( e.g. , Frederickson , 1981 ) , and the benefits of face-to-face communication , where gestures can play their full part , demonstrated ( Evans and Rubin , 1979 ) .
17 The company of your own family , partner , or friends will help you to maintain self-discipline , and increase your enjoyment of eating .
18 The French or Americans will do it if we do n't , and what about the jobs in Preston , Chelmsford or Rochester ?
19 Late items or alterations can reach her on Wednesdays , Belfast 321242/Ext 4872 , between 10.00am and 12.30pm .
20 Any of the following signs or symptoms may cause you to be suspicious : water retention asthma abdominal bloating migraine headache abdominal wind insomnia abdominal pain anxiety or irritability diarrhoea constipation eczema puffy eyelids rhinitis ( sneezing or a runny nose ) swollen fingers or ankles
21 As E. R. Dodds has remarked , ‘ where men can build their systems only out of used pieces the notion of progress can have no meaning — the future is devalued in advance ’ .
22 Or students may write their names on pieces of paper and place them on their desks for the teacher to see .
23 ‘ Shelley , Miguel Rafaelo is not a goldfield , where women can stake their claims !
24 Then men or women could choose what kind of contribution they are gong to make to all societies work .
25 Erm if any have been those elders or ministers will advise us the days they are going to come , those ministers who are and seen , if we do so that we can remember whom our chosen .
26 The Council then was not quite a ‘ cross-section ’ of Athenians , but contained disproportionately many rich , determined politicians ; and lobbies , political dynasties or mafias could perpetuate themselves over the years despite the restrictions on re-election ( so the contrast with , for example , the Roman Senate is not after all total ) .
27 Even if you do n't carry the gene , one of our children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren might meet someone who did and repeat the tragedy of Johnnie all over again .
28 For example , left-wing ideologists might identify themselves as members of the working class , or fascists will experience their own selves as members of the master race .
29 In examining the sources of information that researchers can exploit he also emphasizes the importance of treating , in a serious fashion , what children and the adults around them have to tell us .
30 It should be stressed that the figures do not reflect the fact that a considerable number of respondents answered ‘ yes ’ to the principle of capping but went on to argue that institutions should receive nothing at all by way of grants ( see , for example , the response from the Legal Resources Group ) .
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