Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [be] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a huge organization , where shoppers were members and reaped a dividend for their loyalty .
2 Hence the nostalgia for the ‘ Old West ’ where men were men and women were nowhere .
3 The current official view is therefore that mergers are part and parcel of the competitive process , as opposed to restrictive practices which impede that process .
4 Others happier with life than vets are glass and ceramics furnacemen and machine tool setters , with a third of the average suicide risk , train drivers and civil service administrators and managers ( less than half ) .
5 We are told that foxes are vermin and it is necessary to hunt them down .
6 Another explanation is that organizations are systems that are structured and composed of separate sub-systems , which are of vital importance for the survival of the total system , the organization .
7 The aim should be to recognize that parents are consumers as well as clients and their schools and local authorities are the agents for implementing a closely knit policy of collaboration .
8 The Pharisees had taught that Gentiles were anathema and an abomination to God .
9 ‘ He said that Arabs were savages and that they ate nothing but camel dung . ’
10 This is the doctrine — to put it roughly — that actions are right or wrong according as to whether they increase or decrease the amount of happiness in the world .
11 Remember that antecedents are events that usually precede the problems and consequences usually follow them .
12 The abstract states that post-retirement benefits other than pensions are liabilities and requires that the principles of SSAP 24 , Accounting for Pension Costs , should be applied to their measurement and disclosure in financial statements relating to accounting periods ending on or after 23 December 1994 .
13 For instance , to the Hopi Indians of North America it is ‘ common sense ’ that rain-clouds are gods and must therefore be enticed to rain by rain-dances , a view not entirely consistent with that of the Meteorological Office .
14 This is really the heart of my thesis ; the eighteenth-century philosophers said that true men differed from sub-men because they were rational philosophers rather than poets ; the nineteenth-century positivists said that true men differed from sub-men because they were scientists rather than superstitious believers in magic ; I am saying that men are men and not non-men because they have created artistic imagination which is bound up with the use of language and other forms of patterned but arbitrary expression , e.g. dancing and music .
15 In some traditional reading books there was a clear assumption that boys were leaders and girls were followers .
16 The implication in all the sexually discriminatory immigration laws ( continued long after the introduction of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975 ) is that women are slaves and chattels in their communities , and the government sees no reason why it should treat them as anything else .
17 Explicitly or implicitly the suggestion is that women are children or lunatics or whichever other company they keep .
18 I uphold the law of this realm — and the law states quite clearly that vagrants are rogues and vagabonds .
19 A language-centred description typically suggests that speech-sounds are objects that can actually change ( [ a ] can ‘ become ’ [ o ] , and so forth ) , when this is not what happens at all .
20 The German DIN system measures engine power at the flywheel with all ancillaries ( fan , air cleaner , standard exhaust , etc ) connected , and units are kW or metric hp ( ps ) .
21 The main points at issue between Hooker and Travers were predestination and justification by faith .
22 If onlys are things that eagles prefer to talk about than do .
23 On countless little tables and shelves were books and ornaments , photographs in silver frames , and mementoes of that life spent in a hot country far away .
24 Cherries and strawberries are scents that you 'll find on the bouquet and in the taste .
25 The heals and backs and murmurs are darkness and call a howl from her cells ; she lies , almost out of it .
26 Despite the existence of such groups , some of the points of direct contact between libraries , publishers and booksellers are ones that have generated friction .
27 In fact most of the most famous Athenian philosophers and writers were critics and opponents of the democracy .
28 Throughout it is held that professionals and managers are people and it is people who should be brought to mind whenever such terms as professionalism and professionality or management and managerialism are encountered .
29 Both tortoises and armadillos are animals that carry around their own suit of armour , and at first glance we might think they were related .
30 The Board Chairman and members were enthusiasts and adopted a ‘ proselytizing ’ role :
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