Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 It is only in embryonic forms of thought , or professional fields trying to establish themselves ( paramedical areas ) , or subjects where there is a lot of infighting ( sociology ) , where the standards of critical judgement come up for much review .
2 ‘ And regards or respects or whatever is proper to Bishop Thomas , God bless him , poor fellow , ’ she added , and meant it .
3 Given the growing acceptance of the view that education represents the basic condition for future economic success , partnerships are surely well placed within their localities to begin the task of building the structures and confidence necessary to establish education investment banks or funds where there is a professional approach given to venture capital for educational development .
4 Having been synthesized it has to be transported to the part of the cell in which it is required ; there it will remain for its lifetime of hours , weeks or months until it is due for renewal , when it is pulled out of place in the cell and broken down by enzymes as quickly as it was previously synthesized , its building blocks ( the amino acids ) being recycled in the synthesis of other proteins .
5 All the men he knows are fathers or grandfathers and it is in that capacity that he knows them .
6 Meanwhile the individual authorities are gagged from revealing anything meaningful about their business or aims and it is doubtful that the prospectuses , when they are published , will be any more illuminating .
7 Second , there is a tendency to opt for dreams rather than direct manifestations or visions when there is any room for doubt in the text of the Gospel .
8 Serve warm , cut into neat squares for tapas , or quarters if it is to be the centrepiece of the meal .
9 They may be former bankers or miners , students , nurses or printers but there is nothing in their previous experience that is much help in running your own show .
10 In the firm 's New Issues Statistics — July-September 1992 , it sees three main areas the majority of flotation candidates will come from : MBO companies seeking an exit for their investors , funds to repay debt and the flexibility to raise equity finance to fund further growth ; the demerger of listed companies ' subsidiaries or divisions where it is apparent that the parts will be valued higher than the whole ; and the traditional private companies which have hitherto provided the bulk of flotations .
11 We shall if you request , negotiate in the capacity of professional advisers on your behalf within pre-agreed negotiating parameters or instructions but it is our policy not to take decisions on your behalf .
12 That you have the full and correct name and address of your debtor ( or debtors if there is more than one ) .
13 You can choose whether you want the rulers to be in inches or centimetres and it is possible to work to millimetre accuracy if you need to .
14 The horn is fitted with three valves or pistons and it is the function of these valves to lower the pitch of the instrument in varying degrees by opening up fresh lengths of tube .
15 Externalities lead to divergence between private and social costs or benefits because there is no implicit market for the externality itself .
16 Corrosion fabrics are very common in evaporite sediments , or sediments where there is a phase of evaporite mineral cementation , as these minerals are very soluble and hence susceptible to slight changes in fluid salinity ( e.g. Schreiber , 1978 ) .
17 Lorne excuses his monocle on the grounds that , being astigmatic in one eye and myopic in the other , he needs but one lens to neutralize the problem and that one lens is harder to break than glasses and it is easier to carry spares .
18 They show clear regional , age , sex and social class variation ; boys consistently show more accident injuries than girls and there is a steep social class gradient in child accident fatalities .
19 We need to remember that it is no more natural for women to live longer than men than it is for them to have lower incomes , to expect to give up work if their men wish it at marriage or in later life , to be the keepers of family memory , the main carers of those in need , the main sufferers from the empty nest as children leave home .
20 The majority of investment expenditure is on fixed capital formation rather than inventories and it is to this that we now turn .
21 However , they are sometimes more popular with staff than residents unless there 's a good teacher or occupational therapist who visits regularly .
22 Because some people need a lot more treatment than others and it 's something you can not , you can not forecast
23 The 32-year-old Irishman , who has had eight operations on his knees , has told Atkinson that rumours that he is about to quit are ‘ absolute nonsense ’ .
24 I 've written her notes and notes and notes and she 's never answered one of them .
25 But 20 per cent of its hops are now in the form of oils and essences and it is a growing sector .
26 I am sure that , despite his letter in your May issue ( Arm 's length or arm 's twist ) John Mallet really understands as well as the next man that , when I wrote in my letter of 10 March in The Times that ‘ we do not apply the arm 's length principle to the national museums and galleries ’ , I was saying no more than that there is no funding body between the Office of Arts and Libraries ( now the Department for the National Heritage ) and the national museums and galleries as there is between the Government and the subsidised theatres and performing arts bodies .
27 She still has another year of injections and tablets before she 's fully recovered .
28 You can learn so much from simply watching their actions and reactions that it is always worth sacrificing fishing time to spend an hour or so studying their behaviour .
29 He rings you up and goes he goes hello it 's Jonathan and you go oh right hello Jonathan and he does n't say anything so you talk to him for about half an hour or so and then you go alright Jonathan , better go , you know and then he goes no no I 've got something to tell you and you go oh alright what is it then and he goes I ca n't remember it man , just talk to me for a bit longer and I 'll remember it then and it goes on like that for hours and hours and it 's so boring .
30 His younger days saw him helping with cubs and scouts and he 's is so popular that already residents and storekeepers from the villages have started a fund to help him'
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