Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [verb] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Not least in America , where else , where companies know they can pick and choose among executives desperate to work again .
2 Where sub-cultures exist they could weaken the hold of a dominant culture and may respond to change more readily .
3 If fleas or mites persist they can be easily dealt with by a fly spray .
4 The main survey showed that women were anyway much more likely than men to say they would prefer weekly payments to monthly — a factor which , as we have seen , tends to narrow someone 's choice to the exclusion of some relatively low-cost types of credit .
5 But in this connection it is worth noting here that we found women even more likely than men to say they would prefer to pay extra for credit insurance , against the risk of inability to repay : credit insurance is discussed in the section immediately following this .
6 The despair is the fact that publishers feel they can no longer sell hardback fiction and biography , because of the very high price at which it 's published .
7 This could lead to suspicion : two people complained that colleagues thought they might ‘ over-identify ’ and therefore lack objectivity .
8 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
9 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
10 Since the will is usually the only evidence the testator has left of his intentions , where doubts and ambivalences occur they must be resolved without recourse to the person who would have been best qualified to explain them .
11 Banks are said to be concerned that they could be liable for pollution from land or property they take as security , and insurers say they may not be able to offer environmental cover in future , restricting coverage to sudden or accidental pollution .
12 In many countries the government stimulates such enterprises by providing some start-up capital , but the spokesman for our government came across very poorly , with totally negative comments to the effect that if inventors thought they could rely on the government for help , they were wrong .
13 Coupled with the financial implications if carers decided they could no longer shoulder this burden the case for supporting respite care becomes overwhelming .
14 And banks reckon they can distribute life products much more cheaply than big insurers , which have costly and old-fashioned national sales networks .
15 Hard-won working conditions and employment protection are now routinely jettisoned by many cowboy operators , secure in the knowledge that if workers complain they can be shown the door , outside which is a four-deep queue of would-be replacements willing to thole all manner of demands provided there is the prospect of regular work at whatever depressed rates .
16 And executives say they will decide by the end of March whether to ground up to 25 DC-10s or stop leasing a similar number of Airbus A300s .
17 If relatives survive they would be great , great , grandchildren of General Maude .
18 Perhaps , if things improve they will go into industry , as I once did .
19 and Ruth says I commit myself to him , he will now be my god , and therefore your people will be my people , your home will be my home , your destiny will be my destiny the way is clear , she makes that greatest decision of her life , a decision that will affect the whole of her life but its not as say a life decision is a commitment now , we , we , we are always confronted , day after day we are confronted to make decisions , some of you make decisions and were not too committed about them , and if things alter they will change our minds , not just a ladies prerogative to change her mind , men do it as well and things happen and we think oh no well , I wo n't go through with that I 'll change my mind before its too late , but here Ruth she is not just making a decision , she is making a total commitment , a commitment that is worth time of the whole of her life , to promised to be loyal to de to Naomi and her deceased husband , she promises loyalty to Naomi 's race and the people of god , but above all she acknowledge 's Naomi 's god and her willingness to follow him to the end , you know this , how she finishes of this commitment where you die I will die its to the end its to the end of my life , I will not walk out of it and even after you 've gone mother in law , even after you are dead I am still committed to that decision , this decision I am making today where you die I will die , there I will be buried , and here she sorts of puts this solemn vow to this commitment , thus may the lord to do me and worse if any thing but death parts you and me .
20 Clients want it and consultancies say they can provide it .
21 We did n't invite friends with Mother being placed as she was , but if neighbours called they would be offered a glass of something , usually home-made ginger cordial , and a bit of cake if we had it .
22 If users think they can run the same applications on Solaris , Destiny and Open Desktop then they 'll buy a desktop Unix client .
23 If sanctions continue they could affect the EMI Compact Disc worksa in Swindon … at the moment they export between ten and twenty thousand discs a month to America .
24 It is something which the learner craves even if teachers think they can do without it .
25 It 's the first time police officers have been assaulted at Blackbird Leys this year and police vow they wo n't be deterred .
26 Seaview is a very friendly place — friends and relatives are encouraged to drop in at any time , and residents feel they can talk to visitors even if they do n't know them .
27 City councillor John Fetherston , said : ‘ Blacon is already an area of high family stress and residents feel they can do without the addition of a home for children from problem backgrounds .
28 The government 's already got rid of a minimum wage in industry , but farmworkers say they must be treated as a special case .
29 Deloittes thought that two categories of transaction should be included as sales , but Peats thought they should not be included .
30 But Palestinians say they can not return to the Arab-Israeli talks until the issue of the deportation of 415 Palestinians is resolved .
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