Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where exports have been direct , through their own overseas sales organisation , Japanese firms ( especially NEC and Mitsubishi Electric ) have been careful to avoid a direct confrontation with IBM .
2 Candidates have the right to complain if they believe a governing body 's decision or procedures have been discriminatory and the latter will be answerable before an industrial tribunal .
3 Indeed , it is only since 1965 that mergers have been subject to public scrutiny at all .
4 For example , they have found that " there is considerable evidence that attitudes to comfort are important in estimating the user 's contribution to conservation … yet these have rarely been explored by research on the effects of feedback " .
5 Nikki Richardson , head of Digital 's information directorate , said only that discussions had been candid .
6 There can be a sharp discrepancy between the degree of freedom and dignity that workers believe they deserve and the control that employers think is necessary for their authority to be maintained .
7 Just 16 days ago a one-ton van bomb dumped at East London 's massive office development Canary Wharf also failed to explode although experts have been unable to find any fault .
8 But , although Marxists have been able to refute empiricist critiques of their theories by these methods , it has been the case that the original theory has come under severe strain , and this is one reason for the development of the modern structuralist approaches .
9 Thus one often encounters the claim that a large number of Quakers ( and other dissenters ) contributed significantly to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century physical science and that Jews have been preeminent in mathematics , physics , and psychiatry in the twentieth century .
10 Saddened that polytechnics have been unable to throw off the second-class public image , Teesside University 's director , Dr Michael Longfield said : ‘ The three polytechnics in the North-East have been universities in all but name for many years . ’
11 But the development of the law does seem to show that judges have been able to dispense from the necessity of justification under a public policy test of reasonableness such contracts or provisions of contracts as , under contemporary conditions , may be found to have passed into the accepted and normal currency of commercial or contractual or conveyancing relations .
12 ‘ Once the production opened and the showed the allegations were totally groundless we are left with a production that parents know is suitable for children and no one can take that publicity away . ’
13 In that case he refused to hold that directors had been negligent on the ground that he was satisfied that they had made ‘ a real exercise of discretion and judgment ’ .
14 In consequence , many Members who put their names down will have only ill-formed ideas about what they want and it frequently happens that Bills presented are ill-prepared or misconceived .
15 Italian bankers also welcome the introduction of universal banking , though some grumble that regulators have been slow to bring the country into line with other European states .
16 While problems of partiality and bias in news-reporting are , rightly , matters of concern , various issues that have attracted Western media attention have excited public opinion in the United States and Europe to the extent that governments have been obliged to respond .
17 Usually the most that governments have been prepared to do is to publicise their activities and/or to seek voluntary undertakings .
18 Warsaw police confirmed on April 24 that arsonists had been responsible for a fire on April 22 at the home of Jerzy Jachowicz , a journalist on Gazeta Wyborcza , in which his wife had been killed and his daughter injured .
19 Last October Paul Biya won Cameroon 's presidential election , in a vote that observers said was fraudulent .
20 This is not to suggest that boards had been idle .
21 Best , for example , argued that changes had been immense : " In just five years ( the NHS ) has been transformed from a classic example of an administered public sector bureaucracy into one that increasingly is exhibiting the qualities that reflect positive , purposeful management " ( Best 1987 : 4 ) .
22 The source/migration/entrapment model suggests that conditions have been favourable for gas accumulation in Palaeozoic reservoirs contained within rift-related fault-blocks and more subtle stratigraphic traps .
23 Nevertheless , Debord 's place within a reified history of ‘ political modernism ’ is assured , more by virtue of what is claimed for the work than by its testing in public — Levin admits that screenings have been rare , especially outside France .
24 It 's just since I had Donna that things have been different for me .
25 In many areas , the recovery has been so slow that cultivators have been able to move in , while fires have been an added retardant to recovery , sometimes resulting in the familiar Imperata savanna .
26 With so many part-time holdings the wives did much of the feeding and tending of stock during the winter but it was an area where neither husbands nor wives had been active in training .
27 Health watchdogs such as Hereford Community Health Council , say that patients have been confused by the NHS reforms .
28 Thus , to argue that minds exist and that bodies exist is correct , so long as the ‘ logical tones of voice , are maintained as distinct .
29 The reason why males die more readily than females do is attributable to the effects of testosterone and the only cure for this is to be castrated , and the earlier you are castrated the lo if you 're a male , the longer your life expectancy will become compared with , compared with females .
30 So perhaps it is because they have angular gyri that chimpanzees have been able to sign successfully .
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