Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alex Brown & Sons lowered its rating to neutral from strong buy and cut its fiscal 1993 earnings estimate to $1.80 from $2.80 a share .
2 Coverdale training , where groups study their behaviour in the performance of a series of tasks .
3 The Institute will be again offering an introductory course in Pastoral Caring , to help those with some experience of pastoral caring or counselling in their churches or fellowships to develop their gifts further .
4 It ‘ s mainly the press having to find a story or supporters letting their bias colour their judgement .
5 We do therefore need more new mums OR MUMS-TO-BE to strengthen our group again .
6 Manufacturers often use distinctive emblems or images to make their products easily-identifiable .
7 New yachts or windsurfers join our fleets every year .
8 Consider the following , and see how many words or phrases describe your feelings — as you remember them — at the time you left nursing .
9 Pacific Bell says that where applications cross its service area boundaries , transmissions will be handed off to long distance carriers of the customers ' choice .
10 A total of 210 men used firearms or explosives to end their lives , whereas no women used this method .
11 These would entitle the customers or suppliers to terminate their contracts with the company if some or all of the shares in the company are sold and may therefore deprive the purchaser of the company 's main assets .
12 In South Africa , you might think just about everyone owns a Rottweiler — especially if you read the small ads in the papers , where owners lament their loss and sign themselves ‘ Devastated Rotty Lover ’ .
13 ‘ The government also believes , ’ said the Minister , that ‘ where farmers restrict their activities beyond the degree which could be regarded as good agricultural practice , they should be compensated . ’
14 Then we 've done our work , I would say that my average of ten company representatives went over , perhaps two would find it was useful , useful fact finding mission , but it did n't achieve much , two would click instantly and have orders while they 're there , and the remainder would over the period of six or nine months later , if they worked at it , gain orders or perhaps , perhaps more importantly agents or distributors to sell their products for them in that country .
15 Mr Gallie wants to see a daily television slot where people who have committed violent attacks or murders have their faces unveiled .
16 Those who invite friends or partners to share their rooms for short or long periods , without first discussing it with co-tenants , are bound to create resentment , let alone increased pressure on shared facilities .
17 They go out together , babysit for one another , and sometimes get mistaken for friends or sisters taking their children out .
18 During the period of the slave trade and plantation labour in the West Indies , a certain number of black Caribbeans found their way to Britain , frequently as sailors or as slaves or servants accompanying their masters .
19 His parents , who lives at Cowley near Gloucester , were the only relatives or friends to attend his inquest at Tewkesbury .
20 Some schools refuse to allow Sikh boys to wear turbans , or girls to cover their legs .
21 For stomach curls you lie on your back on the floor , bend your knees upwards slightly ( while keeping your feet on the floor ) , then lift your head and shoulders a few inches off the floor ( do not use your hands or arms to support your weight ) .
22 When parents or teachers mock our desire to become a deep-sea diver , an opera singer or a portrait artist , and encourage us to have more ‘ sensible ’ ambitions — perhaps to become a nurse , bank clerk or accountant — we obediently wrap up our fantasies with a label which reads ‘ This is an impossible dream ’ , and so fail to take any steps to make those dreams come true .
23 The guides will naturally point out such things as where children hang their coats and where children are collected at the end of the day .
24 There was a ripe collection of April Fool items flying around the industry this year , with BICC Plc 's BICC Information Systems & Services promoting its underware , the first two items being BISS-SLIP for Synchronised Linked Internet Protocol and BISS-NICS Network Integrity Circuit Service , and Chase Research Inc of Nashville , Tennessee threatening to knock MS-DOS , Unix and NT off their perches with a resurrected CPM/93 version of the late lamented CP/M operating system — and comes on 300 8″ floppies , bundled with an 8″ floppy drive for $100 ; but the prize has to go for Hewlett-Packard Ltd , which yesterday announced new security features for its Vectra personal computers — User Fingerprint Recognition on all models , and both Photographic Recognition — a tiny camera in the middle of the screen that recognises you even when you come back with a tan , and Odour Recognition — designated users must not change their perfume or after shave — on 80486 models ; not recognised ?
25 KEEP copies of annual appraisals or letters praising your work .
26 Only two patients had been prescribed aids or appliances to improve their technique .
27 For example , if a company occupies a self-contained building then it may simply be looking at sub-letting a surplus floor or floors to achieve its objective .
28 Her work also began to be recognized by the male-dominated science community , although attempts to join their establishments did not go unopposed .
29 The outlawing of indirect discrimination , the requirement that employers analyse their labour force , the requirement that they operate proper employment procedures where necessary should benefit all the people of West Belfast .
30 But a prison spokesman said : ‘ We are very mindful of the fact that prisoners have their dignity .
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