Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb mod] [vb infin] as " in BNC.

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1 This often enables them better to achieve the benefits that rules may bring as explained above , and other benefits besides .
2 The question of fundamental importance which arises is whether the court should entertain the proposition that an Act of Parliament can so be assailed in the courts that matters should proceed as though the Act or some part of it had never been passed .
3 Your argument presupposes that it does not matter who rules — that things will remain as they are whoever is in power .
4 He believed not merely that others should write as he did , but that others should live as he did .
5 Certain kinds of events legally definable as ‘ pollution ’ are not followed by any action on the part of the field officer , supporting Becker 's dictum that ‘ an infraction of a rule does not mean that others will respond as though this had happened ’ ( 1963:12 ) .
6 The wo , it seems to be the age old theory that women should do as they 're told !
7 Clothes are made with the family 's approval and love but also so that women can look as their families wish to see them — modest , maternal , self-effacing , or just beautiful on their terms .
8 These beliefs and values may emerge as sayings , slogans , mottos etc. such as ‘ we 're getting there ’ , ‘ the customer is always right ’ , or ‘ the winning team ’ .
9 Delays in notification can mean that the cause of the accident is never found , and disputes can arise as to whether or not the claim was in respect of an incident covered under the policy .
10 On 1 January , Hodder & Stoughton took over distribution in the trade ; sales through the Trust 's own retail outlets and catalogues will continue as before .
11 Words and bodies can repel as well as attract .
12 ‘ At this stage it is not known if charges will follow as this will depend upon the results these interviews and other inquiries . ’
13 ‘ Men should not be found in sufficient numbers to do all the work there is to be done , and wages would rise as they should do ! ’
14 On reflection I regret my use in In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 22 , of the keyholder analogy because keys can lock as well as unlock .
15 Note that if your system is more than 12 years old , you must use the correct descaling chemical , since leaks can occur as the scale is dissolved .
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