Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb base] it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The mother ship of Japan 's four-vessel whaling fleet left yesterday for the Antarctic , where officials say it will catch 300 whales in the third year of a controversial research programme .
2 Where buildings overlap it can be shown that post-built structures preceded those constructed using continuous trenches .
3 In and poised for his latest triumph — a political satire so close to the heart of American electioneering that pundits believe it could affect the outcome of the presidential election .
4 And experts estimate it will take 1,000 tons of rock to fill the 12ft-square hole .
5 It 's said to be as effective as the pill and experts say it 'll widen the choice for women .
6 BT has a 60% stake in Cellnet and observers reckon it could be about to buy the remaining 40% held by Securicor and its sister company Securicor Services .
7 If difficulties arise it will of course be the responsibility of the local Trade Union Officer to raise the issue with the employers concerned .
8 The detailed plans were unveiled after a two year study , but local people say they 've been misled , and councillors say it would be an environmental disaster .
9 A similar attack was reported in the Ormeau area in January , and police believe it may be the same man .
10 The ban will have no effect on the sale of propagated hybrid orchids , and botanists hope it will encourage the horticultural industry to switch from wild specimens to greenhouse-grown plants .
11 Hunting has now been banned , but experts fear it will take many years for their populations to recover .
12 But opponents say it will almost double the population of little Deadwood , sending property prices skyrocketing .
13 The Foreign Office is trying to play down the row but officials concede it could be some time before both sides talk again .
14 Its more than a hundred and seventy years old and is now derelict , but conservationists hope it will be renovated by whoever buys it .
15 A housing development in what was green belt between Cheltenham and Gloucester may be an attractive place to live , but conservationists say it should never happen again .
16 There are plans for an event at the site next year , but organisers say it will take a different form .
17 One video is not going to stop car crime on its own , but producers believe it may persuade some young people to think twice before they find themselves on the wrong side of the law .
18 But foxhunters say it should be left to the council 's tenant farmers to decide .
19 A DIY breathalyser will soon be able to tell drivers if they are over the limit — but police say it ca n't be trusted .
20 But protestors say it 'll just mean more environmental damage will be caused more quickly .
21 But environmentalists say it will do some harm .
22 Whether viewers agree it should go or not , the amount of money spent on it — a purpose-built set in the south of Spain cost 3 million alone — was the real nail in the coffin .
23 OSF wo n't put a date on when the re-worked Tivoli-based object management system will be delivered until its announcement later this month , though observers speculate it may be as late as the middle of next year .
24 The Foundation wo n't put a date on when the re-worked Tivoli-based object management system will be delivered until its announcement later this month , though observers speculate it may be as late as the middle of next year .
25 ( Though sources say it wo n't be able to run SCO Xenix binaries and does n't include a C compiler . )
26 As schemes differ it would be essential to enquire at a local branch .
27 With IBM Corp 's stock in the cellar and as hopes dim it will ever again return as the flagship of the US stock market , The New York Times last Sunday 20th was searching around for a successor and came up with — you guessed it — Microsoft Corp .
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