Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And if we 've got the project quality plan right there should n't be any problems or queries and it did remind me of this Australian er project manager , who I 've mentioned to one or two other people over lunch , who used to sit in a great , a great office , running multimillion pounds ' project and when people came in to complain to him , he used to refer them to the plaque on the wall which said R T F C.
2 Cabezón wrote such versos or versillos and it has been suggested that he was stimulated by the example of Arnolt Schlick ( see p.184 ) who also composed what one might call suites of versets , notably those on ‘ Da pacem Domine ’ in the first part of his Tabulaturen ( 1512 ) , without the choral alternation .
3 Some countries are keener on being cleaner than others and it has been left up to the badly affected states of Europe to set the best example .
4 Most visitors arrive in cars and coaches but it remains for walkers an excellent base for mountain expeditions , with major climbs in the immediate vicinity .
5 I know I 'm so they they eat you see they 've eaten fish and chips and it goes through the air conditioning and it comes into the studio you all you can smell is fish and chips .
6 That was a case , I worked in a hotel for years and years and it closed down with the new bypass and that , and just a girl beside me , she was coming for an interview , to the B M K and I came with her .
7 Mrs Burrows had made her a red coat with fur on the collar and cuffs and it suited her dark hair and huge brown eyes perfectly .
8 You know light vans and commercials but it 's used for anything now .
9 It is the result of conscious planning by multinational corporations and banks and it results from the conscious actions taken by the US and UK governments in building the post-war world .
10 Jonas called it the family-room , where there were plenty of comfortable chairs and couches and it did n't matter if you put your feet up .
11 It has been adopted by many authors and consultants and it seems to mean many things , depending on the author and context .
12 starting a little brown smoulder mark it were like that all the through the electric blanket of course all the through the the sheets all through the sheets and blankets and it had just coming through the top counterpane we used have a
13 It 's a Walkman but it records and plays and it 's got the radio in it as well .
14 The search for training which fits this description in the management of education is hindered in two ways : it has long been an area for tension between theorists and practitioners and it has from time to time been exposed to management models from fields where practice and purpose are very different from those of education .
15 It says this is the only number you want but as read it and said well it does n't really make it clear it 's for reservations and bookings and it does n't really so we 'll just have to make sure that it damn well happens on the advert .
16 I remember we did a live version of ‘ Space Oddity ’ with acoustic guitar , bass and congas and it did n't go down so well . ’
17 Effective ministry in frontier situations not only requires dedicated skills and energies but it requires us to learn how best to wrestle with the principalities and powers .
18 Harwell had superb skills and facilities and it fitted the current zeitgeist that these be applied to the solution of industrial problems on a fee-paying basis .
19 The contract itself recognises usages as well as rules and it seems more likely to me that the rules may , in some cases at any rate , have developed out of and given partial expression to usages rather than that they should indicate the absence of usages beyond what is contained in the rule . "
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