Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb past] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 If messages came over the secret encoder about military supplies for the contras , ‘ I would scan it and pass it on .
2 For years unions and managements argued over the terms of change .
3 The coffee cups were all laid out on long white-napped tables , and waiters hovered over the silver urn , dispensing coffee to a few early arrivals .
4 We had decided to print birthday messages to him in the Beirut press and once again our love and thoughts went over the telex and into a vacuum .
5 The earthen floors were swept and the tables scrubbed ; the pots and pans gleamed over the hob , and there was a pleasant smell of baking coming from the wood oven .
6 We watched as flocks swirled over the Park 's outer perimeter , performing astounding aerial manoevrings .
7 As wagtails flittered over the swimming pool , Jack Mitchell heard me admire Butch and lectured me sternly .
8 The experience was not an encouraging one , as differences emerged over the future treatment of Germany and Eastern Europe .
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