Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was less than tidy over the stretch and then , after an indecently long wait to begin his final round , dropped three shots in a row from the 2nd to finish with a 71 and a 272 total .
2 United States efforts to broker a Middle East peace plan floundered in March when Israel 's national unity coalition collapsed under the pressure of differences between Likud and Labour over the country 's Palestinian policy .
3 hundred and odd over the top , so it 's gon na be doubled that
4 By the time the demo was over I was nearly nauseous at the presumptuousness of these notions and despondent over the lack of scepticism in the room .
5 She grabbed Steve 's sleeve , their eyes in unison watched the ball sail through the air and high over the net .
6 And then the tables faded away , and the music shook me , and I forgot where I was in the joy of raising my voice above the talk and the traffic and the whole street and high over the awning into the sky , with nothing but strummed chords on the guitar for company .
7 Spoon the mixture over the fruit and smooth over the surface .
8 Press it down lightly and smooth over the top with a palette knife .
9 A chin I could write a prelude about firm and fine over the symphony of your neck .
10 In 1938 Lewis took a job in a Welsh secondary school , but could see the shadow of war approaching and worried over the problem of pacifism : ‘ I have a deep sort of fatalist feeling that I 'll go .
11 One of her arms lies outside the covers , hanging out pale and naked over the edge of the bed .
12 And such is the ruthlessness of authority here , that they were hunted out even from these rude shelters and scattered far and wide over the country .
13 Far and wide over the common-grazing 's green undulations the encampments spread , colourful tents and pavilions erected for the lords , chiefs and great ones , banners fluttering in the October breeze , cooking-fires smoking , horse-lines being watered , smiths busy shoeing and beating out iron for spear and axe heads , troops and squadrons practising formation riding , infantry deploying to form squares , hedgehogs and wheelings-in-line , trumpets and horns sounding , captains shouting commands — and half the citizenry and dogs of Edinburgh out to watch and add to the din .
14 Down their flanks and branching over the head , runs a line with a slightly different texture from the rest of the body .
15 London Weather Centre predicted that it would be warmer but wet over the weekend .
16 The purpose of the motion is to enable the House , with the Chair 's permission , to range as widely as possible over the subject of employment and unemployment , over the Government 's policies and record , over Labour 's record — not least that of the shadow Chancellor — and over the alternative policies that may be offered if the format of the Government changes .
17 Jack settled into his stance , and relaxed as much as possible over the ball .
18 The coils themselves should consist of 500 turns of 0.2mm enamelled wire scramble wound as neatly as possible over the core , the second winding crossing over the top of the first at right angles .
19 Seed pans should be filled with this and the gelatinous material containing the seed spread as evenly as possible over the surface .
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