Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] and had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So , he was in London on some business or other and had simply dropped by to tell her that Jeff and Silvia had got engaged .
2 She was highly strung and beautiful and had never been away from her large family or Plean — the mining village where she was born .
3 The fields round the campsite were nice and open and had very good verges , where , of course , most of the owls ' prey would be living .
4 The only other book he owned was the Bible and that was old and dusty and had previously belonged to someone else .
5 The applicant sought relief on the grounds that ( 1 ) at the time the coroner took his original decision there was considerable evidence before him that the death would not have occurred but for delays experienced by the deceased 's family in contacting the ambulance service and later delays by the ambulance service in responding to repeated calls by the police for an ambulance to come to take the deceased to hospital as a matter of urgency ; ( 2 ) in reaching the conclusion that an inquest was unnecessary the coroner had misdirected himself in law for the reasons , inter alia , that ( i ) section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 required a coroner to hold an inquest where there was ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the deceased had died a ‘ violent or unnatural death ; ’ ( ii ) there had been clear and uncontradicted evidence before the coroner that avoidable and culpable delays by the ambulance service might have been the reason why the deceased 's asthma attack , which could have been treated in hospital , proved fatal , giving rise to a ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the cause of the deceased 's death was ‘ unnatural ; ’ and ( iii ) against that background , the coroner had erred in law in treating the pathologist 's conclusion as conclusive and had either misdirected himself as to the meaning of ‘ unnatural death ’ in section 8 of the Coroners Act 1988 or failed to apply the law properly to the facts of the case .
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