Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] and [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Then the righteous will reply , ‘ Lord , when was it that we saw you hungry and fed you , or thirsty and gave you drink , a stranger and took you home , or naked and clothed you ?
2 Then the righteous will reply , ‘ Lord , when was it that we saw you hungry and fed you , or thirsty and gave you drink , a stranger and took you home , or naked and clothed you ?
3 This is neither comfortable nor attractive and leaves you wondering whether the radiographer will ever eat another Bourbon biscuit , let alone dunk one .
4 And low and behold you ca n't even get back into the kitchen because the kitchen is full of deadly fumes from the burning fat or er fat or oil within the chip pan .
5 peaceful and relaxed and enables you to go deeply within yourself and to feel very much in harmony with yourself with others who you do it with , and with the world in general .
6 ‘ How funny and black and cross you look !
7 But good and relaxed you got all , every part of the structure there
8 We shall come back as quickly as possible and take you to the Hall .
9 We need to analyse the current year statistics as soon as possible and hope you will find the form and printout of 1987 class details , which need only be ticked/updated , easy to use .
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