Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 What happened to them was the not-so-mystery ailment that cuts down more pop stars than drugs or fast cars ever do : overwork .
2 Unlike many terrorists , Iranian or Iranian-linked groups often do not claim responsibility for atrocities they commit .
3 Of course , this is something that private schools already do , but it is interesting that , even in the public sector , some ‘ magnet ’ schools , upset by their relatively poor performance in examination results , are asking if they ca n't exclude children who come to them on placing requests from deprived areas .
4 It 's agreeable to know that although star temperaments certainly do exist , there are just as many nice people as awkward ones .
5 Unfortunately , this latter conclusion tends to be at odds with more conventional data which suggests that real markets often do not converge to what appear to be their equilibrium values ; an obvious example is the labour market .
6 But dumb animals are incapable of considering themselves in this light ; which is not to imply that human beings always do , only that they can normally be expected to if required .
7 He knew merely from her appearance , in a way that Italian men always do , that she was a virgin .
8 Renault 's new front-drive , 1.2-litre , one-box baby looks confident in a way that small cars seldom do ; it 's cute without being jokey , radical without being controversial .
9 Most people who are used to working with cameras will know that certain colours just do n't work , but a few like to be reminded .
10 The Spanish growers may be doing their best to provide tomatoes acceptable to the English market but evidently English varieties and the Spanish soil and climatic conditions just do n't suit each other .
11 Thus Japanese companies in the early sixties were financing more than 40 per cent of their investment by tapping external sources of funds ; French firms borrowed one-third of the funds they needed and German firms probably did the same .
12 The promises and statements made in election programmes are the basis of all those made in the campaign , so by relating these to government statements of their legislative programme , and even more so to actual behaviour in office , we can see if party-based democracies actually do work in this way .
13 In Roman times the cities and major towns certainly did , and on a local scale many villas must have done so as well .
14 One or two now winter regularly in Chichester and Pagham Harbours and single birds sometimes do so elsewhere along the coast .
15 You would n't make a special cake as a present with long out-of-date flour and stale eggs so do n't think that any old ingredients will do for making a pressed flower picture .
16 Consequently , if young children really do lack the ability to handle explanations , their capacity to benefit from the early years of schooling will be severely restricted .
17 Mind you , guitar pyrotechnics and silly moustaches never did Mr Santana any harm .
18 Catering careers in to-day 's Royal Navy and Royal Marines really do offer you something different .
19 These show that the dominant and bureaucratic-technical classes together do not exceed 15 per cent of the Economically Active Population in any Latin American country and in most their proportion is much lower .
20 THE Coleraine club and local competitors again did us proud at the European Championship meeting at Kirkistown .
21 They probably possess more sophisticated navigational equipment , but seasonal movements alone do not demand such skills .
22 Of course if there was a sudden upsurge in industrial activity and demand , that situation could be reversed , but international trends clearly do n't suggest any dramatic increase in industrial production , so we have an excess of electricity demand at the moment .
23 Colts and stallions are likely to make this face after smelling urine , but other horses occasionally do it too .
24 The committees ‘ never get to the leading edge because large companies usually do n't understand new technology , so they drag their feet on committees until they are able to catch up . ’
25 In any event , it is surely wrong , for the sake of a few weeks , to decide on the principle of the Bill by giving it a Second Reading while hon. Members still do not have the Stoner report .
26 Since intransitive verbs do not specify , as transitive verbs usually do , a cause-effect relationship , the impression we get is that movement is divorced from purpose : all the strident activity of the industrial scene seems to be self-generating and uncontrolled .
27 Even when the referential locus of noun and adjective are the same , however , there is no general guarantee that the overall " output " , in terms of intensional entities ( and the real or potential referents to which they may correspond ) will be the same under these two ways of linking an adjective to a noun , which amount respectively to introducing a subject x identified in part through having the property F , and to introducing a subject x and saying that it has the property F. For instance , if we move from the predicative structure : ( 7 ) clouds are small to the phrase small clouds , we pass to an expression which identifies a certain group of entities but does nothing more than identify them ; whereas expression ( 7 ) identifies a quite different ( and much larger ) group of entities , and says something about them ( which , as it happens , is not true , even though small clouds certainly do exist ) .
28 It had rejoiced , as alien coteries naturally do , in its own intellectual isolation ; and in disdaining narrative , or at least fast-paced narrative , it had disavowed one of the native strengths of the tradition .
29 But as new houses generally do not have chimneys , the use of ‘ angithis ’ ( coal stoves ) means a lot of smoke .
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