Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The others will chip in if they agree , but they will they are , they are wanting to set a missile to move , they 're wanting to send a bullet , they are wanting to s to evoke emotion or anger or rage or frustration or political bias or to change attitudes now for example the interesting thing about the Princess Diana erm the headline on one of those tabloids which talks about exile is I suspect that they want to evoke the constitutional crisis which there was at the time of
2 But these two books do not contain new scientific or technical information or add anything to existing knowledge of the environment and medical consequences of Chernobyl .
3 In coming to a conclusion on whether these proposals should be called in for his determination , my right hon. Friend will consider the proposals in terms of whether they raise issues of national or regional significance or give rise to substantial controversy .
4 The virus is highly infectious to those who have not previously been exposed to it , but the majority of people have a degree of immunity due to past clinical or symptomless mouth or face infection .
5 insufficient or improper labelling or addressing ;
6 to acquire new practical or cognitive skills or to update existing skills .
7 Within the past 2½ years , AOPA has been involved — often alone — in dealing with problems ( total closures , operating constraints or unsuccessful opening or reopening attempts ) at no fewer than 54 aerodromes in the UK .
8 Although he was a fully qualified pilot , he never to my knowledge ( certainly not whilst he was with No 7 Squadron ) was ever captain of an aircraft ; he had been second pilot , or flown as mid- upper , or rear gunner or had taken some other crew function , but at the same time he would be researching and demonstrating some aspect of a project that he was currently engaged with at the Institute .
9 They would include : opportunities for students to see or experience equipment or processes which are not on offer within the institution ; the chance for a student to sample a possible future job or career ; the opportunity to learn something ( not much ) of the lives led in employment by their neighbours , their parents or their peer-group , so that they may grow up more understanding and more tolerant ( this rather pious hope may in fact be quite unjustified , they may have confirmed or developed disdain or envy for others ) ; a good student may catch the eye of an employer looking for a later recruit ; absence may lend enchantment to the view of the college and the students may return from work-experience reassured about their choice of education ; students may be motivated to work hard at college by the prospect of either securing a job like the one they have seen or tried , or by the determination to avoid a similar fate ; all these outcomes may be little more predictable than the consequences of going to the zoo for a visit .
10 Some of the money went into the pockets of individuals but most went into the coffers of the local or central parties or helped finance the mysterious research institutes which seemed indispensable to Roman politics .
11 The justices made prohibited steps orders ( i ) preventing the father from having any contact with the children and prohibiting the mother from allowing the father to have contact with the children and , ( ii ) prohibiting the mother from having any verbal or personal contact or contact by correspondence with the father , and the father from having any form of contact with the mother .
12 The second prohibited steps order prevented the mother from having any verbal or personal contact or contact by correspondence with the father and in the same way prohibited the father from having any form of contact with the mother .
13 Apart from a general limitation relating to development which ‘ requires or involves the formation , laying out or material widening of a means of access to an existing highway which is a trunk or classified road or creates an obstruction to the view of persons using any highway by vehicular traffic at or near any bend , corner , junction or intersection so as to be likely to cause danger to such persons , particular conditions are also laid down for each of the different classes of development listed .
14 The judge also had to consider a submission made by the mother that the return of the children ( if ordered ) would expose them to a ‘ grave risk of physical or psychological harm or place them in an intolerable situation ’ within the terms of paragraph ( b ) of article 13 .
15 In addition , there will be the usual semi-constant options , like seeing next or previous book or starting another search .
16 Then collect them and sow in a very shallow container like a dish or bowl containing a mixture of coarse sand and loam or fine peat or potting compost .
17 The parent figures as a group showed gross excesses of psychiatric disturbance , physical illness and disability , and criminality , and the abusing parent had often been subjected to physical or mental abuse or neglect in their own childhood .
18 It also examines how caring for children or elderly relatives or taking part-time work can affect the level of your pension .
19 For he has this grace , that he is happy to eat fish fingers or Chinese takeaway or to cook the supper himself .
20 Without going to look at it , does the face of that clock bear Roman or Arabic numerals or does it have dots or other symbols to mark the numbers ?
21 We learn that kings , presidents , and politicians have remained in office while either suffering behind a wall of secrecy from serious mental or physical illness or living under the influence of alcohol or drugs ( Hitler was addicted to cocaine , President Kennedy and Anthony Eden to large and frequent doses of amphetamines ) .
22 One of the 18th century bylaws was ‘ that no person corrupt the town beck by letting into it stinking or hurtful water or washing unwholesome things in the same . ’
23 In order to do so , given the stage that the Bill has reached , it would be risky to start seeking to extend its scope or coverage , play with the long or short titles or introduce new sectors in the Bill , for whatever reason .
24 This is used for minor acts of disorder such as shouting and swearing which is likely to cause alarm or distress , displaying abusive or insulting slogans or throwing over dustbins and banking on doors in the common parts of blocks of flats .
25 It is enough if the defendant has used threatening , abusive or insulting language or conduct such that it is likely that violence will be provoked .
26 In this atmosphere , it was understandable that commercial television should be placed under the close scrutiny of a licensing body , empowered by what is now s4(1) of the Broadcasting Act 1981 to ensure : ( a ) that nothing is included in the programmes which offends against good taste or decency or is likely to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling … ( b ) that due impartiality is preserved on the part of persons providing the programmes as respects matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy .
27 And I tend to draw , most o , most of us tend to draw them as straight lines with branches coming off they may actually show the chain as a twisted chain or zig-zag chain or going in to form a square or something !
28 The Vendor is not party in relation to the Business or subject to any contract , covenant , commitments or arrangement of an onerous , unusual or long-term nature or having any provision which might reasonably be regarded as material for disclosure to a purchaser for value of the Business nor is it party to any contract likely to be unprofitable or to any contract made otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of business as now carried on .
29 A further elaboration of this technique is the use by the respondents of computer-linked handsets that can be simply manipulated to show their response throughout the commercial : they can be asked simply to indicate an overall favourable or unfavourable response or to reflect some more specific description of the film — ‘ exciting ’ , ‘ funny ’ , ‘ tasteful ’ , etc .
30 In a sense the children 's librarian is freer , but also is forced to work in a more oblique and informal way ; the teacher may work directly , can initiate activities and be more directive , for instance in requiring the child to respond with his own written or pictorial work or linking the reading to another activity in the classroom .
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