Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 It may be difficult or impossible to establish at the date of the sale the value of the pension rights to be transferred .
2 The idealised FAOR solutions , although impractical to implement at the time , nonetheless provided a goal that could be pursued via a strategy that would recognise the speed of technological developments , the availability of finance , and other priorities of the two departments .
3 Vauxhall 's director of manufacturing , John Barber , said yesterday that short-time working at the company 's Luton and Ellesmere Port plants would have to continue .
4 Einstein 's general theory of relativity , on its own , predicted that space-time began at the big bang singularity and would come to an end either at the big crunch singularity ( if the whole universe recollapsed ) , or at a singularity inside a black hole ( if a local region , such as a star , were to collapse ) .
5 Assuming that you decide to take the plunge , you should if possible determine at the same time whether you are going to practise on the common law or on the Chancery side .
6 It produces the archetypal image of the Christian , afraid of life , always trying to climb back into the Garden of Eden , by creating a world of fantasy if necessary to inhabit at the expense of living in the real world .
7 And every one of those evil hoodlums comes equipped with a horde of underlings , clad in silly uniforms and ready to die at a moment 's notice .
8 His impassive , fierce stare reminded her of an owl squatting on a fence post , watchful and ready to plunge at the first rustle in the undergrowth .
9 Closing date for this year 's writers ' bursaries from Northern Arts , buying time or a bit of peace and quiet to write at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre , is May 29 .
10 It is not to maintain the pretence that there is no autocue ; it is because continuous looking at the camera apparently produces a disconcerting ‘ super-stare ’ of hostility .
11 On race day , after all-night working at the factory , a solitary car turned up and the stewards gave special permission for driver Raymond Sommer to do three exploratory laps .
12 When Behbehanian arrived at the hotel in Aswan , he was shown into the Shah 's suite .
13 Never , The Smiths now make Duran Duran , Nik Kershaw or Michael Jackson look years out of date so how could they have been seen as old fashioned at the start ?
14 It is perhaps as well to remember at the outset that the main injury in this particular case was a hip injury which , if it had occurred to a younger man , would have produced an arthrodesis operation .
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