Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [det] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid Ivy did n't say anything interesting about Murdoch and Spark , except to say that the former is to be taken more seriously — than the latter , not than she is .
2 Its appraisal must be made by reference to the market position and the economic and financial power of the parties ; to alternatives available to suppliers and users ; to access to suppliers or markets ; to the structure of the markets affected , to take account of international competition ; to consider legal and factual barriers to entry ; and the interests of consumers and the development of technical and economic progress ( provided that the latter is to the consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition ) .
3 The point here , I think , is that if the latter is to be an ability , and not just a performance repertoire , then it has to be based on the internalization of systemic knowledge as a communicative resource .
4 If the EEC did wish to go beyond the 1962 agreement on agriculture , the arrangements of which were in any case due to expire in 1965 , if financing was permitted to come from the EEC 's own resources , and if the latter were to be levied on imports , then it was sensible for the EEC budget to come under the control of the European Parliament .
5 He is going , Alida thought in despair , and no more is to be done , no examination is to be made , tranquillisers are the only treatment I am to have … . ‘ a full medical check-up only one month before . ’
6 Joan de Warenne , it appeared , had not been required to go with her young mistress , since the latter was to be the guest of Lady Alianor Woodville , the queen-dowager 's kinswoman — a lady who occupied apartments in the palace and kept an amplitude of servants .
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