Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun prp] [noun pl] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But where the BBC Governors appointed a Director-General to run the service , the ITA selected companies from competing applicants and awarded franchises to run the service in different geographical regions , subject to meeting the ITA 's programme standards .
2 It was here that the Caroline reformers achieved nothing because the crown could not recapture the powers it had made over to local municipal oligarchs .
3 Although Darwin had guessed that the Galapagos birds originated from there , because the Galapagos were so young , it was not something of which he could be certain .
4 It was part of the defoliant Agent Orange , that the US forces sprayed on Vietnamese forests during the 1960s and 1970s .
5 In order to overcome this blockade — which meant that the Berlin zones controlled by America , Britain and France , were cut off from their normal supply routes — a massive ‘ Air-lift ’ was organised by the three Allies , even coal was transported by air !
6 She had scanners all over her , more than the Bergen yards supplied as standard .
7 USL , or rather OSF founder Siemens Nixdorf Informationssystemes AG , which did the port , is using OSF 's DCE 1.0.1 for both the early access code and the OEM kits scheduled to become generally available in January .
8 The rulers of Russia , Prussia , and the Habsburg territories succeeded in varying degrees in achieving all these aims .
9 The government and the two largest guerrilla groups , the Surinamese Liberation Army ( SLA , commonly known as the Jungle Commando ) led by Ronnie Brunswijk and the Tucayana Amazonas led by Thomas Sabajo ( Commander Thomas ) , signed a draft peace treaty on Aug. 1 under which the surrender of weapons would be supervised by the Organization of American States ( OAS ) .
10 Tt with the aid of the good general the er United Nations army and the South Koreans pushed the North Koreans back into North Korea and er MacArthur 's view was well while we 're winning why do n't we keep going , you know , perhaps we could take over China as well
11 And the US authorities operated a very lax merger policy : essentially , they approved all proposed mergers .
12 Selected large European companies with important research facilities are identified and the US patents granted to them recorded separately .
13 After the abortive attempt to meet in Malawi in June [ see p. 37561 ] , the first direct talks between the Frelimo government and the MNR rebels aimed at ending the 15-year civil war finally took place in Rome on July 8-10 .
14 This is This binomial figure is relatively easy to calculate , but the Poisson values derived from equation ( 6.3 ) are a great deal simpler , in particular the starting value p(0) .
15 But the Angevin kings regarded Stephen as a usurper : they considered that such districts were not covered by the disafforestment clauses .
16 A further negotiation session was planned for late September , but the August talks ended amid mutual accusations .
17 The Dispatch led with the headline : ‘ Teacher and the Girls She Told ’ , and carried a picture of the wicked Miss Outram surrounded by her innocent young charges , while The Derbyshire Times called for the Board of Education to step in to arbitrate .
18 What Marshall and Clock concluded was that the community college students responded to the surface structure of the discourse only , while the Cornell students responded to its semantic and logical structure .
19 While the Blackpool cars ventured over the ex-Company tracks as far as the Cabin , soon after the Gynn junction was completed , it was not until 1926 that double-deckers reached Bispham .
20 So , while the OAS plots raised or rather revived concerns about what would happen to the Fifth Republic after its founder 's disappearance , the re-emergence of parliamentary opposition revived concerns about a restoration of the régime des partis .
21 The main source for the history of Jacobitism is the Stuart papers , but they have survived only in part for the period before 1715 , since the Stuart papers kept at the Scots College in Paris were almost totally destroyed by fire during the French Revolution .
22 So when the Wigan colliers threatened in 1792 to throw down the engines , they were seeking both to pressure the mine owner and to prevent him from reworking the pit with " blackleg " labour , also the likely object of Cornish miners who pulled up the ladders in a dispute of 1795 .
23 The paper 's first deadline had been 15 May 1968 , but it became impossible to hit it , and there was , as the May Events washed around the staff , another problem .
24 Uniform centralization was the administrative pre-condition of all other reform , as the Caroline bureaucrats found when their agrarian programme was blocked by oligarchic municipalities .
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