Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Either the members were impartial in their approach or the chairman so dominated the proceedings that dissent was difficult .
2 It is stressed repeatedly how some sportsmen had the potential or the promise yet lacked the application to develop it .
3 Why he or the Queen never thought of searching for the King is a mystery . ’
4 Numerous such accidents happened whilst igniting , for if the slow fuze happened to be not so slow , or the miner inadvertently touched the straw with his candle , then he might have but a few impossible seconds to make good his escape .
5 He was standing on top of one of the crush barriers by the look of it and when the goal went in he either jumped or the surge forward did the job for him and he defied gravity for a while .
6 He noticed how in other wealthy families the wife or the husband often seemed quite cheerful and calm despite the recent death — just as if nothing had happened .
7 Those who claimed to enjoy the life were not only new entrants ; those who had inherited the farm or the tenancy also enjoyed the work .
8 But , at the same time , the town chosen or the house actually lived in are still selected by the households themselves .
9 Areas of forest , where the villages already had little arable farming , were relatively immune , even in shires which were otherwise seriously affected : this can be seen in Charnwood Forest in Leicestershire and the Forest of Arden in Warwickshire .
10 Having to rise first for the privacy that afforded was one of the penalties of living in a two-roomed house where the kitchen also doubled as a bedroom .
11 Where the tip-off really came from could never be later established , except that it was a phone-in and anonymous .
12 Over 950 LTTE guerrillas were recorded as killed , two-thirds of them around Mannar , on Mannar Island in the north-west , where the government now claimed to have established firm control .
13 He also visited another important garden in the area , Meerburg , where the gardener kindly instructed him on the cultivation of pineapples — his employer , M. de la Court , was among the first to grow this fruit successfully in Europe .
14 When intramuscular injections of penicillin failed to cure the patient , and after consulting Florey , Fleming took the heroic measure of injecting penicillin directly into the cerebrospinal fluid , where the streptococci still lurked .
15 Languages from all over Europe as well as the Orient could be heard on all stations west , where the platforms often overflowed with migrants .
16 In calculating whether there has been a reduction in the estate of the transferor one ignores the value of any excluded property which ceases to form part of the transferor 's estate as a result of the transfer ( excluded property includes property situated outside the United Kingdom where the person beneficially entitled to it is an individual domiciled outside the United Kingdom ) .
17 In North Wales , for example , where the factors already described in this chapter are overlaid by considerations of cultural nationalism , militant action against second home owners has ensued .
18 He prodded the saucer , where the coin now lay in a swirl of green colour .
19 Two small scratches appear on the fingerplate itself , beside the screws , where the screwdriver sometimes slipped .
20 This restriction on the buyer 's rights would apply only to breaches of the conditions in sections 13–15 and would not apply where the contract clearly specified to the contrary .
21 Picked up by Taxi George , he was steered successfully to the Filanta hotel , where the receptionist duly assigned him to the ‘ hot ’ suite .
22 The main room or ‘ house ’ , where the family gathered and worked and where the fire never went out , would not have been a suitable place for storage .
23 Veterans of the Sunset Strip scene did a double-take when the Whiskey A-Go-Go — where The Doors once played as the in-house band for $500 a week — was restored to its Day-Glo glory after a decade of black paint and chrome fixtures .
24 She may , however , belong to the Sharman family of Weston , Northamptonshire , where the poet subsequently worked as a kitchen maid .
25 Here is an example of a problem in criminal law where the examiner clearly wanted to confine the facts to a narrow compass .
26 Neighbours on the housing estate where the family live described Mr Adams as a hard-working quiet man .
27 In the bar , where the staff gently chided the occasional American for sacrilegiously ordering ‘ a Bushmills with Coke ’ , the hi-tech which accompanies the modern golf tournament contrasted quaintly with the club 's superb gallery of historic old golfing photographs and prints .
28 It is of course possible that where either is inflicted as part of the preliminaries to intercourse , a defendant could be brought within the section even where the recipient fully consented to such acts .
29 Wellington moved a candle across the map to find the village of Fleurus where the Prussians now faced the French .
30 Zen glanced at the wall , where the calendar now looked oddly unbalanced .
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