Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , cor blimey , I 've never seen the woman or the kid before in my life !
2 A further innovation , one of the most significant accomplishments of Dom Pérignon , was his creation of the cuvée concept , or the blending together of different wines , some of them inferior , to achieve one superior and consistent cuvée .
3 I wonder how many of them will fill their pages tomorrow or the day after in the way they have done in the past few weeks .
4 We can not know what we shall be discussing next year or the year after at this time .
5 Failure of heirs , or the survival only of heiresses , was exploited by the king himself for the benefit of his own sons , who expected endowments and titles as befitted their rank and who by virtue of their birth played a leading part in aristocratic society .
6 The police want to hear from anyone who saw either the truck or the ambulance shortly before the collision .
7 Jeanne and Germaine went to the Dôme or the Rotonde regularly at aperitif hour to meet Modigliani and Roger Wild ( who was to become Germaine 's husband ) .
8 When visually investigating objects for details , the visually impaired child as a rule ‘ peers close ’ , that is , brings the object close to the eye , or the eye close to the object .
9 Once constructed , the application of the classification schemes involves synthesis or the drawing together of the single concepts which are listed in the scheme from their different facets in order to specify compound subjects .
10 All injections were given as a 200 µl bolus of neuropeptide Y ( Peninsula , Belmont , CA , USA ) dissolved in sterile 0.9% saline containing 0.1% dog albumin ( Sigma , St Louis , MO , USA ) or the carrier alone as control .
11 If very dirty they lay it in the stream , securing it with a large stone , and let the water flow through it for some time , after which they proceed as before … the linen is spread upon the rocks in the river , or the walls near at hand , and secured , like everything else by a stone at each corner …
12 This is a pregnancy where the placenta instead of feeding the fertilised egg ( or later the foetus when it is a partial mole ) feeds itself and grows all out of proportion and has to be removed .
13 The farms themselves may be categorised into three broad types on the basis of their layout : one or a few buildings seemingly in isolation or associated with earlier structures , for instance late prehistoric enclosures or , as at Lower Warbank ( Kent ) , a single sunken building adjacent to a Roman villa ( Philp 1973 , pp. 156–63 ) , which may only be part of larger settlements ; individual farmsteads , a group of buildings associated with a fenced enclosure or paddock , such as Cowdery 's Down ( Millett 1983 ) ; thirdly , larger settlements with either multiples of the previous category or a farmstead apparently with a larger number of ancillary buildings , such as Chalton , Hampshire and West Stow , Suffolk ( West 1985 ) .
14 About ½ inch ( 1.5cm ) or a fraction more below the selected bud , make a cut about ⅛ inch ( 0.3cm ) deep and sloping downwards a little as shown in Figure 17 .
15 Thus far , we have reached a ‘ hit or miss ’ situation and , by using the wide-angle lens , have minimised the risk of having a print full of the cows in the next field or a horizon just above the baseline .
16 So she watched , and listened , and fell a little further , and when his bleep went she went back with him to the department and they worked side by side , communicating with a gesture or a word almost in silence , each anticipating the other 's needs as they dealt with a little girl who had fallen out of a tree and broken both arms and one leg .
17 In the field of architecture , for example , two architects could enter a model of one of their buildings and examine it together , changing a wall here or a window there by means of a virtual touch or gesture .
18 Obviously , when there is some snow on the hills in the summer you ca n't do much , so they are very carefully made and some of them are connected to a computer , so if you have a very good coach with you he can say ‘ You 're going that right , no do it a bit more like this , or a bit more like that ’ .
19 This may occur for various reasons ; the suspect may have died or be below the age of criminal responsibility , the victim may not wish to press charges or a witness may be unwilling , or unable , to give evidence or a person already in detention after conviction admits to further offences .
20 Should a driver be prosecuted for being 10 cm or a metre away from the kerb ?
21 We cheer when a meerkat eats up a scorpion or a rattlesnake just for the hell of it .
22 High market growth , if taken to be an indicator of an early stage in a life-cycle ( or a break-point upwards in a revitalized mature-stage life-cycle ; see Gilbert and Strebel , 1988 ) , coupled with high market share should lead to high ROI if the appropriate investment is undertaken .
23 And your little dancer , Suzi Hoflin — you were quite right about her legs — she will make the whole thing look enchanting as a watersprite or a dragonfly instead of a ballet dancer in a mask . ’
24 To choose neither God nor the Devil was an illusion of freedom , for in reality every step of human endeavour , however unwitting , was either a step homewards to God 's kingdom or a step closer to hell .
25 But if , and most of are I 'm sure that we 've come today with some thorn in our flesh somewhere , some worry , some difficulty or a disappointment perhaps of some kind , then just remember that in all things God works together for good with those who love him , and for that rejoice and give thanks , and again I say , rejoice .
26 Primarily , between the marble staircases of the Grosvenor and Waterloo Rooms of this world , there was life — rich , content , brash , and above all , utterly and completely confident that tomorrow would hold the same as today , if not a few ounces , inches , or a pickle-jar more for all concerned .
27 The same sentence may be expressed as either a question or a statement simply by varying it 's pitch ( e.g. ‘ They 're here ! ’ and ‘ They 're here ? ’ ) .
28 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
29 Yes , I heard two men speaking and the possibility of either another man or a woman also in the premises .
30 During training what we do in the training algorithm is is of course set a a link here or a weight here to one if the output of my decoder is set to one .
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