Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It was very mean of me , I know , after the sweet beginning of your letter & the pleasure I had from it , to be very angry at the end .
2 I was getting used to the odd feeling of distance , which made it seem as if it was all about someone else , but it was alarming to see how most of the articles highlighted the love-story angle , rather than the conditions in which John was held or the reasons I 'd given as to why the Government should be doing more .
3 Eton , however , meant far more to me than my relationships with others , or the learning I acquired or the games I played .
4 Or the poster I produced for you of the doves of peace made with human hands .
5 Eton , however , meant far more to me than my relationships with others , or the learning I acquired or the games I played .
6 The people I like best of all are those who write to me several times as this gives me ‘ feed-back ’ on whether my solution to their original problem was correct , or the information I provided useful .
7 A comment I ha or a question I had was how far is well removed ?
8 She struck me as prosperous and gave the impression of being a celebrity — an actress or a singer I supposed .
9 I felt my way along , a few steps at a time , and every time I heard a voice or a footstep I stopped dead , clinging to whatever bit of masonry was under my hand and almost cowering with fright .
10 It so happened that the firm I had been working for ( manufacturers of rubber-coats , ground-sheets , etc. ) had closed down the Glasgow Office and factory , and I was without work .
11 As happens in any new venture , I discovered that the hours I had to put in at the beginning seemed to outnumber those available in any day .
12 The first was that the time-shock I had suffered was inducing some highly life-like illusions .
13 ‘ I wish to impress on you that the rules I made in London still stand .
14 My resolve not to go back into education hardened , if anything , rather than softened , as I became more and more determined that the sacrifice I had made was not going to be in vain .
15 I told my father I was trying to get them over to the far side , to the mainland , and that the ones I had to bury , the ones which fell short , were victims of scientific research , but I doubt I really needed this excuse , my father never seemed bothered about the suffering of lower forms of life , despite having been a hippy , and perhaps because of his medical training .
16 The maxim that man learns nothing from history is often proved true that the bill I said shows the government learning from history .
17 I judged from the area occupied by this edifice that the apartment I wanted would be on the second floor .
18 It was then that I saw that the folder I 'd left on the coffee table was gone .
19 He told me that the way I felt was quite normal for someone in my situation ’
20 I thought it was interesting as well that the stuff I got from the I and R V with it , was a lot about audio description and the tape and how much it cost and how wonderful this was and it was the first time it had ever been done , but there was nothing , as is always the case , there was nothing actually about what the film was about , it was full of sort of , this is the first time it 's done , but nothing about sort of this is the film about , about this , this is what the story 's about , you know .
21 I mentioned that the man I had spoken to had an old check suit and a limp .
22 And time went by , and suddenly I found out that the man I suspected ( who was married to an Englishwoman ) was planning to leave for England .
23 It seemed to me that the theatre I wanted to work in from time to time was the British theatre , so I have never contemplated living in America .
24 Vincent Skinner , the Writer of the Tallies , complained that ‘ the distraction I have had about quarrels to my place have hindered me much and now so utterly discouraged me that the service I intended to have done I could not .
25 Gangs of men were at work trying to rescue the contents of the burning shacks , going from one to another , putting out the fires ; or so I thought till with a shock it came to me that these were no rescuers but incendiaries , that the battle I saw them waging was not with the flames but with the rain .
26 But I knew that the sounds I had heard could have nothing to do with a servant 's dream .
27 Women are gentler , softer , cleaner , altogether nicer things and I , who always considered myself one of the boys , had come to the surprising conclusion that the companion I Wanted most was a woman .
28 ‘ He says that the night I returned Mr Laing his passport , duly altered , the young man spent most of the night in the computer room , and left before dawn with a large amount of computer printout .
29 I recall how disappointed I was in the morning to discover that the pebbles I had collected so lovingly the evening before were just a pile of dull stones now that they had dried and were away from the beach .
30 So the rabbi ran after the man and said : ‘ I have just found out that the jewel I gave you is more precious than I thought — do n't sell it for too little . ’
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