Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] those [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A child screaming is expressing itself , or like those artists who daub things in the West — they say they are expressing themselves . ’
2 There is an appropriation where in those circumstances he later assumes " a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner " .
3 Princes derived profit solely from the courts on their own manorial lands or from those areas whose castellans were held in sufficient subordination to render dues to their lords .
4 No such efforts had been made for the children who preferred to be white or by those parents who brought up their children ‘ entirely white ’ .
5 The arrangements for demobilisation were based strictly on length of service , except for those girls who were married and they got out almost at once .
6 Textbooks are not a primary vehicle for the reporting of research results , except for those books which are compilations of the research papers presented at conferences .
7 By the later part of the nineteenth century the pattern of inter-generational exchanges which had characterized pre-industrial and early industrial society clearly had shrunk to a pattern of very limited contributions by children to the household economy , except for those children who were allowed to work as ‘ half timers ’ until this possibility was also removed in 1918 ( Hurt , 1979 ) .
8 Gender disadvantage is of course bound up with concepts of identity and role and may be more problematic for some newly retired men who have invested much in their world of work than for those women who have centred their existence in the home .
9 This takes no account of the same man being the subject of multiple presentations nor of those clerks who prospered by indirect royal patronage , pressure on newly elected prelates or on other vulnerable patrons .
10 They found that of those males who reported acute sickness or chronic sickness without any limiting effect on activity , a larger proportion of the lower than the higher socio-economic groups consulted their doctors ; there was no consistent trend in the case of the females .
11 ‘ I 'm a storyteller , and so I can show readers that people think in a certain way , and suggest to readers that under those circumstances they might thing in the same way .
12 So it was that although in those days I was often homesick , missing Harry , missing Daisy , it was never unbearable .
13 ‘ Royal Glyn-Neath ’ , we call it , although in those days it was only a little nine-hole course .
14 Ezra was a cobbler who also acted as a local estate agent , although in those days he would n't have recognised the term .
15 I know I 'm not saying sorry , because I said that in those letters I wrote , and then I had to copy them out again , because they were n't neat enough , and that 's enough sorries for anyone .
16 The condemnation of the figures that the hon. Gentleman has read out is that in those boroughs we need never have had so many liability orders or so many people taken to the courts or threatened with prison if they had not been misled by Labour Members of Parliament and councillors into running up enormous debts .
17 So if the law was clear that in those circumstances they should have been on notice and should have therefore watched where the money was going , there would n't have been a problem and are we not saying that legitimate stock lending which I think is what is about is suggesting , if carried on properly on the market , would be all right , but if it immediately goes off market into the back doors and back rooms and people ca n't see what 's going on and the Financial Institutions take part in that , then they are doing something that un undoubtedly is probably going to cause loss to pension funds and should n't there be a clear law which makes them liable in those circumstances .
18 So if the law was clear that in those circumstances they should have been on notice and should have therefore watched where the money was going , there would n't have been a problem and are we not saying that legitimate stock lending , which I think is what Good is abou is suggesting , if carried on properly on market , would be all right , but if it immediately goes off market into the back doors and back rooms and people ca n't see what 's going on and the financial institutions take part in that , then they are doing something that un undoubtedly is probably going to cause loss to pension funds and should n't there be a clear law which makes them liable in those circumstances .
19 It will be observed that in those cases there was no statutory period after cessation of trade during which jurisdiction continued , and the court was therefore faced with a stark choice between saying that the jurisdiction ceased immediately active trade was suspended , or saying that it continued until the business had actually been wound up by payment of the debts .
20 In one of these early lessons he was very lucky in his teacher ; Miss Public House took him home on one of his first nights — she who usually never could be bothered — and in one exhausting night Miss P taught him everything he knew about how to make love without getting hurt or hurting anybody ( remember that in those days we were still getting used to the idea and still elaborating our repertoires of what you could and could n't do , which was very hard for us , for me anyway , since we had spent so long trying to forget the very word could n't ) .
21 The present generation should be informed that in those days we tended to talk about ‘ civilization ’ rather than ‘ culture ’ .
22 Er nowadays so many things are just accepted that in those days they would n't be .
23 Who 's to say that in those days there was nt as much hype/stereotyping and bullshit as there is today ? ?
24 think that in those days anybody would have considered taking a child out like that , you know !
25 … she always chose to spend her leisure Hours in Writing and Reading , rather than in those Diversions which young People generally chuse ; insomuch that some of the Neighbours that observ 'd it , expressed their Concern , lest the Girl should over-study herself , and be mopish
26 This generalisation is more applicable to chief executives who must look outside their organisation than to those managers whose job is wholly an internal one .
27 It would seem that these few packets were handed out mainly to the neighbours of the field workers rather than to those villagers who actually needed the ORS .
28 The incidence of heart failure among patients who are treated effectively with thrombolytic agents is probably lower than among those patients who are not treated .
29 In both cases , however , it was clear that among those respondents who thought in terms of ‘ class ’ the most common designations were ‘ working ’ and ‘ middle ’ .
30 The high dose of TAGH , when used in the cell culture system , did not induce DNA synthesis , but in contrast there was a substantial decrease ( by greater than 90% ) in amino acid incorporation into protein ( data not shown ) , showing that at those concentrations there was local toxicity to the whole cell .
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