Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun pl] [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Yeremi peered every which where for weapons which might be aiming at the now-inactive macro cannon on their carapace , or at their left shoulder where d'Arquebus was ensconced .
2 The term ’ provisional sum ’ is defined as ’ a sum provided for work or for costs which can not be entirely foreseen , defined or detailed at the time the tendering documents are issued ’ .
3 The careers of the bourgeois world were indeed open to talent , but the family with a modest amount of education , property and social connections among others of the middle rank undoubtedly started with a relatively enormous advantage ; not least the capacity to intermarry with others of the same social status , in the same line of business or with resources which could be combined with their own .
4 In a sense it is a personal keeping of the ‘ minutes ’ of what occurred at conferences or in battles which will remind the writer what happened at a precise time in the course of events .
5 Nor can any statement be made as to the moral implications of any sexual or quasi-sexual act except from standpoints which must themselves be debatable .
6 However much the excise supervisor may have been appreciated by the councillors of St. Andrews , he was regarded with less enthusiasm at the Treasury , and the member of parliament was told bluntly that if any office about St. Andrews fell vacant , which was usually left to the recommendation of the Burgh Member , he should have the nomination , and as Scott advised the provost , ‘ they hoped that from reasons which must naturally occur to myself , I would be satisfied with the propriety of their answer ’ .
7 It is linguistically unacceptable to apply them except on grounds which would always lead to further application of them in all similar cases .
8 But he expresses this by saying that we ‘ can proceed no farther by reasoning than to things which must be exposed again to experience or which can be evidenced by means of some appearance ’ ; and this seems to suggest something new .
9 Finally , we will be considering digital computers , where data is stored and manipulated by devices that can assume one of only a finite number of states , rather than by devices which can assume any state in a prescribed continuous range ( as in analog computers ) .
10 The nonwords should be thought of as new words , previously unencountered , and as letter-strings which could be words .
11 It 's a ludicrous game of make-believe and let's pretend , and the biggest let's pretend is that Britain is fighting a war of principle , on its own terms , for purposes which the people understand and support , and for aims which can be realised by war .
12 He began by saying that seven years earlier Meehan had been found guilty by a jury ‘ on evidence which was amply justified ’ , and then went on : ‘ Some public support was whipped up over the years for reasons which were not entirely clear and for motives which might be imagined . ’
13 Eadmer has left an exceptionally full account of the Easter Council at St Peter 's in April 1099 ; and for reasons which will become apparent later , this was his last full-scale account of any great event in Anselm 's life .
14 Preparations also include two consultations for church leaders and communicators and for technicians which will take place in 1993 with the aim of drawing up clear guidelines for the agency .
15 But since it is part of my intention to suggest how and why the work of Joyce provokes exceptional division among its readers , I shall , for that reason and for others which will emerge , keep the notion of screen in front of you .
16 Everything we say or write is connected both with things which have been said or written in the past , and with things which may be said or written in response to it in the future .
17 That starting-point , in my judgment , is that costs prima facie follow the event … but may be displaced much more easily than , and in circumstances which would not apply , in other Divisions of the High Court .
18 Look out for the logo , above , in supermarkets , banks , libraries , etc , on leaflets describing how you can cut energy consumption , and on products which can help .
19 As we have seen , such organisations tend to be dominated by formal rules and by committees which may lend themselves to the more autocratic style of leadership .
20 He was the most handsome man she had ever seen , although his face was marred by the marks of her nails , and by bruises which would soon turn black and blue .
21 Moreover these inadequate wages were often months in arrears , and were paid , at least in the earlier years of the century , not in cash but in tickets which could be cashed only at the Navy Office in London .
22 Once we recognize how far classroom competence has its roots in status and recognition , how closely the different elements of teachers ' lives are tied together in a coherent structure of meaning and motivation , then the policy implications lead us not to personality-based initiatives or more careful selection , compulsory redundancy to remove ‘ incompetents ’ from the profession , or redeployment and encouraging early retirement , but to strategies which will improve the levels of reward and recognition in the system in terms of pay , planning time , in-service opportunity and the like , and in terms of positive ( not punitive ) systems of staff support and development .
23 MEDICAL students are falling ill because of debts which can top £8,000 .
24 Capitalist industrialisation in the periphery , often because of transnationals which can import sophisticated technology , has not been able fully to absorb all the labour available .
25 Most of the projects were also trying to have knock on effects , not just for their client group but for services which would benefit other people .
26 As for movies which might use the old gothic mechanisms to haunt the imagination in more complex ways , to plunge you into the real nightmare of history , in the politically and morally conservative world of modern Hollywood it looks like they do n't stand a ghost of a chance
27 The financial strain on the firm can be eased by : ( 1 ) effecting sufficient insurance cover ( see Chapter 5 ) ; ( 2 ) the inclusion of suitable provisions ( Clause 20 ) in the partnership deed clearly setting out the procedures to be adopted for the continuing partners to have the option to purchase the deceased 's share from his estate on an appropriate time scale or providing for an automatic accruer to the surviving partners ; ( 3 ) the inclusion of provisions in the deceased 's will enlarging the discretion of the personal representatives as to the time for realisation of assets in the estate and generally as to arrangements which may be concluded with the continuing partners ; and ( 4 ) where ( which is not unusual ) one of the personal representatives is a continuing partner , the inclusion in the will of specific authority for that partner in his capacity as personal representative and trustee to conclude agreements with the firm .
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