Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] large " in BNC.

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1 RIVER DEE : High water levels but when normal , Chester end usually best early morning or during night for large roach and bread in Eccleston area .
2 They have no interest in the wider Jewish community or in society at large . ’
3 Others refuse to accept risks from activities which , they believe , bring no benefit to them or to society at large .
4 The danger in this new drive that is a feature of many advanced industrial societies lies not only in raising unrealistic expectations from these areas of study but also in denigrating the contribution of the social sciences to economic growth and in neglecting the non-economic functions of education which are just as important to the well-being of individuals and of society at large .
5 There is no doubt that the outer few tens of metres of the maria are fine dust , but this could be the result of many impacts too small to leave visible craters and of dust from large impacts elsewhere .
6 Leeds ( 1984 ) , for example , argues that whereas all nucleated settlements ( or places in the present context ) have the same functions — ‘ facilitation of all forms of exchange , transfer , and communications while linking the nucleation or locality both with other localities and with society at large ( p. 295 ) — there is also a threefold specialization between places .
7 Good journalism can also stimulate change or action from politicians and from society at large .
8 New ideas such as the transmutation of species acquired political overtones because they symbolized a challenge to the existing power structure both within science and within society at large .
9 And within society at large , there is even more ignorance .
10 The power that small hill farmers and poorer urban dwellers have in the state apparatus and in society at large is negligible .
11 Both in psychology and in society at large , masculinity and femininity have long been conceptualised as bipolar ends of a single continuum .
12 Some believe that Jacobitism was a fairly significant force both within the Tory party and in society at large ( especially north of the border ) , so that at the time of the Hanoverian succession there was a realistic chance that a Jacobite coup might succeed .
13 In Japan the relationship of the individual to other individuals and to society at large is still governed largely by his or her membership of various groups .
14 In short , statistics relating to old people are presented in such a way as to spread a great deal of gloom about the future , not only for the old themselves but for society at large .
15 According to this thesis , the distribution of responsibilities left the GLC and MCCs with too little to do , but with access to large rating resources : ‘ This generates a natural search for a ‘ strategic ’ role which may have little basis in real needs ' ( DOE 1983b:3 ) .
16 According to reports in the media at that time , the resulting likeness was thought to be that of Abu Talb , a PFLP — GC terrorist who had visited Malta twice before the bombing and was subsequently arrested in Sweden while in possession of large quantities of clothing purchased in Malta .
17 The ‘ analytic/synthetic distinction ’ is crucial for Lipsey 's diagram ( Figure 3.1 ) , as for Positivism at large .
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