Example sentences of "[conj] [interj] [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 's just like Tony , he 'll say alright then get it done , get it sorted out and Tony will say well we ca n't really afford it now or no I 've change me mind now I do n't think , you know
2 Oh great I like that No we 've seen a fo we saw a fox the other night , Christine did n't we ?
3 I mean can I just return to what Queenie Warley said about the rents , because basically what she said was the conservative view on council house rents was that yes they had to go up because the Government decreed they had to go up , that they would have put them up earlier so people would have been paying more for longer , and the phasing that they 're suggesting now what she did n't point out is that under the Conservative proposal people would finish up paying even higher rents than they will have to pay this year .
4 I I take your point that yes you have submitted er a a proposal as have other parties er to the discussion .
5 Because you get that silence in the room and mmm you want to fill it so but you 're right the use of the pause effective and particularly with a variation in pitch that gives that emphasis the two combined together can be very very effective .
6 Tom Jones and oh they 've got a lot of old ones
7 But your phone and Ian 's yesterday and oh somebody elses ringing all morning long .
8 And yes we did argue , I think there were fourteen meetings of the finance working party involving hours and hours of consideration and we were er , treated to four meetings lasting fourteen hours , fourteen hours , in total .
9 Er , this is obviously in answer to the questionnaire , yes they have four hundred and fifty pound in the bank , and yes they do organize boxing tournaments for self-help .
10 because this has happened time and time again and yes they do need more life cover or they do need a PHI policy or a savings plan .
11 Even scum season ticket holders ca n't get any extras ( yes I do know some , and yes I have asked them about tickets ) .
12 It ca n't be easy playing the lyre , singing , dancing and doing handstands simultaneously in the chariot race , and yes I do think it wise to have an enema the night before .
13 Not only that , on the stage was a long table , and yes you 've guessed it , among the dignitaries were several men .
14 Erm And yes you 've guessed it an old Motown hit from erm back in the sixties .
15 So that erm perhaps puts erm some of sexuality in a little bit of a historical context erm and um I suppose coming into the nineteenth century though , nineteenth century , particularly the second half of the nineteenth century , in large cities it was notorious for child prostitution for um a whole rate of exploitative sexual practices that underlay Victorian respectability so erm all these um peculiar kinds of things seemed to be going on .
16 and I wanted to , and eh we had done my blood taken for all kinds of tests
17 and yeah we did forget the first paragraph of the of what we had learned so we just covered what we 'd done really
18 Erm we 're not always privy to what goes on with the front bench , but yes we have established regular dialogue with Jack Straw and the environment team , in order that we make sure we are saying the same thing .
19 I do n't think we 're likely to meet it here to be honest with you but yes you do get it .
20 But yes it does seem to .
21 I mean it 's , yes it 's difficult , but yes I 've got to do it and if I do n't do it this , you 'll have to do it
22 But yeah they have got time available
23 The first was a good attempt but yeah you missed misled or confused then there could be several others I felt you could 've picked up that would be highlighting the second appointment that carried the whole process through
24 Yeah , but yeah I do say so !
25 Well let's forget about that , let's forget about the two thousand odd people who 've said no , let's forget about the fact that there were these accidents in that road , because no we 've got the M forty the A forty four — well the A thirty four as it was — has been relieved of a lot of traffic and from a point of view from the Gipsy Working Party Committee they may well feel that they are even more entitled to go ahead with this site .
26 I was in my laboratory when aha I 've got it !
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