Example sentences of "[conj] [am/are] [adj] with the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps people that are involved with the er the Ardley Service Station , and we 'd like to hear from any history groups , school groups , anybody that 's got an interest in that side , that would like to have their , their views er recorded .
2 There are , however , glimpses of findings that are consistent with the features claimed for specialization .
3 Here we present coordinated radar and satellite observations of a series of discrete , poleward-moving plasma structures that are consistent with the pulsating-cusp model .
4 A group is coherent in so far as it has a certain continuity in its consciousness , its organisation and its action ; but its coherence also implies that its members do actually support one another in practical ways that are consistent with the objectives of the group .
5 to produce products that are consistent with the organization 's responsibility to its workforce , shareholders and other stakeholders , ( safety of production , ethically acceptable etc ) .
6 Policy issues are resolved in ways that are consistent with the preferences of the majority .
7 The pieces that work best are those that are harmonious with the wood 's properties of strength and grain , and not battling to impose a feat of engineering that might be better made with some other material .
8 I think all it , well , the only things that are different with the continuous pro er , surveys that we 've got , from ad-hoc surveys is actually the content of the questionnaire and when it was analysed , really .
9 These may include activities with organisations that are concerned with the quality of their lives ( eg pressure groups ) , intergenerational activities and those which promote individual development .
10 Besides the fourteen committees discussed above that are concerned with the policy and administration of particular departments , there are further select committees on public accounts , privilege , statutory instruments , the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and others besides .
11 He is in such demand as a speaker that he has had to make a rule that he will no longer accept invitations to functions that are unconnected with the coal industry .
12 yeah I think what , what has happened at the moment is that he would be almost helpless because there are so many things that are wrong with the world that it seems to be because we get so much information as a
13 Something , we do n't wan na pa paint the walls cos there 's so many like bits that are wrong with the walls but we want if we Anaglypta it , it wo
14 Police have described it as a text book operation and are delighted with the result .
15 Geoffrey Ross comments ‘ It has been noticed that many men wash their hair in water that is too hot ( which over-stimulates the sebaceous glands and so makes the scalp greasier than it should be ) and are rough-actioned with the towel when drying the hair .
16 The HP 9000 Models 745i and 747i workstations run the HP-UX 9.0 Unix , and are compatible with the rest of Series 700 .
17 They are the experts in the care of the types of patients admitted to the ward , and are familiar with the specific skills , routines and demands .
18 The Working Party also noted that only solicitors , of all professions , presently take examinations in trust law and equity and are familiar with the concepts and practical applications of this very complicated area of law .
19 These variations reflect the pattern of gastric acid secretion under treatment with ranitidine and are consistent with the studies measuring the effect of ranitidine on 24 hour intragastric acidity in patients with reflux oesophagitis .
20 The results suggest that M paratuberculosis isolated from man exists in a form which hardly replicates if at all when cultured in MG3 medium in vitro , and are consistent with the involvement of this known animal enteric pathogen in a proportion of chronic enteritis in man .
21 In the New Forest the duties of the Verderers ' Court are now mainly administrative , and are concerned with the supervision and administration of rights of common on the open forest .
22 Some shareholders are unhappy with the running of the club and are concerned with the way the recent annual meeting was conducted .
23 Thus , formal groups are created to achieve specific organisational objectives and are concerned with the co-ordination of work activities .
24 Marion sees her job as one of consolidation and development — taking further the work done by her predecessor Kim Traynor and making sure that schools know about it and are happy with the content and direction .
25 The successive north-east facing ridges at the southern end of the spit probably record phases in the evolution of the spit and are comparable with the laterals on Scolt Head Island and Blakeney Point .
26 Orientalising wisdom has it that the rural masses know nothing about politics and are satisfied with the new commodity economy generated by the privatisation of land .
27 The trustees have delegated the investment and safe custody of the Plan 's assets to independent investment managers and custodians and are satisfied with the security of assets and the controls in place .
28 Only after this cohort has been defined can context come into play ; words which are members of the word-initial cohort but are inconsistent with the prior context are discarded from the cohort .
29 If you are overweight , but are happy with the exercises you do at least three times per week , then far be it from us to interfere — continue , you are obviously doing a good job !
30 The appendix on useful verbs should come in handy for those not up on adventure jargon , but be careful with the address section — a lot of them are now out of date so be prepared for some lack of response in some cases .
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