Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] they [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Er Robert said Charlotte who 's two and a half she 's always been pretty but erm Robert said right , mother 's babysitting on the nineteenth so organize I I 've been getting them into bed and then I 've gave them a little bit of milk or whatever they want and then they 've had toast with jam on .
2 Yet there was no discussion of whether the listeners wanted to hear so much about regional and area commissioners and MPs : few politicians ever questioned the assumption that what they said and did should form the basis of daily news .
3 Most people will see that what they feel and the reality of what occurs are two totally different things .
4 These signs include data on circulation ; the number of papers and letters submitted for publication , pages published , and advertisements placed ; data from readers on which papers they read and what they like and dislike ; citation data ; ‘ influence data ’ ( like mentions of the BMJ in parliament or the New York Times ) ; and financial data .
5 What archaeology can not do is tell us the names of the people and what great deeds they did , how they influenced each other , and what they thought and believed in — these are things that only historical evidence can tell us .
6 If they went again to that place and what they 've and got the same things ?
7 They tend to admire people for how they hold themselves and what they say and then blame them more for being found out than for what they do .
8 Very often in therapeutic groups they do claim not to , but in fact er the leader does play a very dominant role er and even when the attention shifts to members of course , the fact that all the other members are watching them means that their reactions and what they say and think and do in a group would have been very much constrained by their actions and expectations o of the other members .
9 Mike says he knows everyone 's measurements , and what they paid and what they owed .
10 Well when you 're a waitress and you mix you know with all sorts and you hear different people talking and what they did and what they did n't do you now and some had Doctor pills at that time in the nineteen thirties and some used the Indian bark .
11 He would have enjoyed seeing more of this blue and green misty world with the lingering scents of ancient magic everywhere and he would have liked to see some of its people and found out how they lived and what they did and if they were happy .
12 If what they discuss and teach is considered to be a danger to the state , they may be deemed guilty of ‘ thought crimes ’ .
13 Archaeologists can reveal only very fragmentary glimpses of how people lived at any period , but what they imagined and thought is beyond recovery — the meagre scraps of records are useless or , at best , tantalizing in that they provide details torn from their context .
14 yeah I mean , and the trouble is what n annoys me more than anything is the fact that he 's good worker I me even when he 's drunk , alright he do n't work at full capacity but he does sort of almost as much as what they do and when he 's
15 In learning exactly what they do , as well as what they think and feel , we get to know the two young men who affirm , for him , the indestructible spirit of man ( which , to Masefield , was above all symbolised by Troy as he saw it ) .
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