Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] is [vb pp] is " in BNC.

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1 Suppose that what is wanted is large-scale mapping of the city of Leeds , it is likely that snapshots of Ordnance Survey mapping will have been preserved far more frequently , for the practical purposes of town planners etc. , but they will have been preserved not in libraries but in planning offices , and will they have been preserved after the date when they were needed there ?
2 In particular , since in several cases it seems to involve a conflict of time reference , we must note that what is involved is not the same as a superficially rather similar phenomenon which was the subject of a useful discussion by Bach ( 1968 ) — all the more so because some of his examples are ambiguous and could also be covered by this case .
3 V42 and MNP4 : Error correction protocols , used to ensure that what is received is exactly the same as what was transmitted
4 ‘ there must be something in the nature of a criminal intent of the kind which means that it is done with the idea of some form of hostility to the police with the intention of seeing that what is done is to obstruct , and that it is not enough merely to show that he intended to do what he did and that it did in fact have the result of the police being obstructed . ’
5 But we interpret it as though it is like ‘ Now I 'm sweating ’ , except that what is reported is a mental and not a bodily process .
6 We believe that what is needed is a systematic way of evaluating both the positive contribution made by the presence of an airfield as well as the adverse impact involved .
7 The trouble with [ a view that what is needed is a re-evaluation of the feminine ] is that it still leaves uncriticised the whole association of particular qualities with the masculine and others with the feminine …
8 More radical , because they insist that what is needed is a trade union education that recognises the political and economic causes that underlie workplace concerns , and that brings together and questions the common experiences of a range of working people .
9 The second point , briefly , is that the white paper has turned its face on the establishment of an environmental protection agency , and independent environment protection agency , and erm , you may feel strongly , I know there was another report that came out just about that time that erm was advocating it , and you may feel that what is needed is a central , independent environmental protection agency .
10 The argument is often made that what is required is applied research to deliver products and processes directly to industry .
11 This is no easy task when we consider that what is required is some competence in a range of applications software and a degree of sensitivity to the data modelling and analytical problems that historical source material and historical research involve .
12 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
13 The fact that existing structures of policing ( or defence ) are more effective than what is proposed is less important than the principle that such matters should be the preserve of a united European Government .
14 It stands to reason that were young people truly creative the culture would fall apart , for originality is by definition different from what is given , and what is given is the culture itself .
15 When this happens — and it happens constantly — the classical subject is eclipsed , it undergoes the effects of ‘ fading ’ , and what is spoken is in fact ‘ l'intra-dit d'un entre-deux-sujets ’ ( 800 ) , a discontinuous , intersubjective voice ( 801 ) .
16 The sphere of everyday life is experienced as ordered and consistent which is because it is shared with other people and what is shared is , precisely , knowledge of everyday reality :
17 The lectures are at the Institute and what is learnt is immediately put into practice with the trainees acting as helpers in the various groups .
18 If what is said is contradicted by what is seen — that is when the words do not ‘ match ’ the facial expression — then , to the astute observer , it is the words which will be disregarded , and what is seen will a believed .
19 However , I am assured by those who know that public persons — premiers in particular — do not become reconciled to criticism , and despite affecting not to be , they remain immensely conscious of what is being said and are troubled if what is said is not to their liking .
20 Quite apart from the fact that they would appear to be unorthodox and a distortion at its best of Christian theology , I believe it must be said of all these suggestions that , if what is intended is that they should give an equal place to women or to the ‘ feminine ’ within the Christian religion , they fail .
21 But if what is sought is merely a gross comparison between the damage of corporate and ‘ conventional ’ crimes , then the current level of official information available provides sufficient facts to get the ratio in perspective .
22 As the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano observes : ‘ If what is written is read seriously and to some extent changes or nourishes the consciousness of the reader , a writer has justified his or her role in the process of change : with neither arrogance nor false humility , but with the recognition of being a small part of something vast ’ .
23 If what is proposed is not ‘ development ’ , the ‘ developer ’ does not have to worry , but not every planning officer or outside adviser always checks this first .
24 Moreover , even if what is needed is a review of the present state of laboratory-based and clinical aspects of the new reproductive technologies , it would be more appropriate to use the resources of universities , government agencies , and professional societies for this purpose .
25 Rarely , they might talk more coherently , but what is said is seldom sensible .
26 In some such patients , speech production is not eliminated , but what is said is usually entirely meaningless and incomprehensible ( this syndrome is known as transcortical sensory aphasia ) .
27 But what is proposed is like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved and elegant friend .
28 Traditions do change and adapt through the ages , but what is left is just as important to the community which upholds it .
29 But what is included is less revealing than what is excluded : all the excessive elements of working-class consumption that refuse to fit neatly into this socialist continence — Stanley knives , lurid cocktails , Blind Date , trash videos , tabloids , bingo , heavy metal , Club 18–30 …
30 The plan is officially under wraps until the product 's launch next month , but what is known is that the GIGAswitch will have a switching capacity of 3.6Gbps , 6.25m dynamic connections per second and full duplex Fibre Distributed Data Interchange transmission at 200Mbps .
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