Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] is [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 7.1 Each of the Parties agrees during the term of this Agreement not to participate in any project which competes with the Project or which is designed to fulfil the same or similar objects .
2 You can leave your pension in the fund , as described above , and additionally contribute to a personal pension , providing your contributions do not exceed the allowed Inland Revenue limit , i.e. two-thirds of final salary ( or whatever is allowed according to the rules of the scheme ) .
3 Dr. John Whitcomb , professor of Theology and Old Testament at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake , Indiana , summed it up very well when on page 52 of his book ‘ The Early Earth ’ , he wrote , ‘ the testimony of an honest evolutionist could be expressed in terms of Hebrews 11:3 as follows , ‘ By faith , I , an evolutionist , understand that the worlds were not framed by the word of any god , so that what is seen has indeed been made out of previously existing and less complex visible things , by purely natural processes through billions of years ’ . ’
4 The trouble is that what is measured differs from medium to medium , and , therefore , cost measurements differ almost completely between , say , TV and posters in what they are costs of .
5 Secondly , Morgenthau says that what is needed to find our way by this map is the concept of interest , defined in terms of the concept of power .
6 Denton has classified the various forms of aid to industry under three headings : general incentives provided under various programmes to all industrial firms in all parts of the country ; industrial restructuring which again is universal in scope and geographical area and which is intended to encourage industrial efficiency ; and regional aid which is limited to firms in the deprived regions of the country .
7 Thus although we do not know how the DNA controls development , we are reasonably sure that it does carry almost all the information which has been produced by selection , and which is needed to control development .
8 By joining us you have become part of an international movement which is dedicated to protecting the natural world and which is committed to act in its defence .
9 It is only in the long run that a match gradually emerges between what is seen to happen and what is said to happen .
10 Examination of what is entailed and what is expected have produced ambivalent conclusions , less clear than the raw conviction that training is a good thing : but overall the evidence is favourable .
11 The contract includes agreement not only about what new skills and knowledge need to be learned but also about why they are needed , how they will be applied and what is expected to result from them within the school or office .
12 Percy Lubbock , at the end of The Craft of Fiction , acknowledged that as soon as we have finished reading a novel we begin to forget it , and what is left to talk about is a vague cloud of fading impressions : ‘ the book vanishes as we lay hands on it . ’
13 Every year the gap widens between what the Trust raises from traditional sources of income , such as farm rents , investments and membership subscriptions , and what is needed to maintain properties , pay staff salaries and acquire new properties .
14 These are the data which tell the planner how to go about accumulating an audience , and what is needed to achieve given levels of reach and frequency ( see page 109 ) .
15 If not , how long and what is needed to bring them to state of readiness and is it worth it ?
16 Governors will of course have to rely on the head and staff for much of the technical information about curriculum and what is needed to deliver it .
17 What gets investment and what is shown has far more to do with the economic stranglehold of the Hollywood studios and the distribution/exhibition chains .
18 New Historicism is very adept at employing ‘ thick description ’ , a detailed skilful exposition of , usually , some text or document which has been largely critically bypassed previously , but which is shown to have a charged metaphoric function in revealing some facet of Renaissance culture .
19 The war of resolutions overshadowed the Congress , which should have ended proceedings yesterday but which is expected to continue until the end of the week , as it discusses amendments to the Russian constitution .
20 a share which pays an annual dividend of 20p but which is expected to grow by 5% p.a. for the foreseeable future .
21 This might be something that has a legitimate place in the original complex equation — it might be peace education , anti-racism or teachers ' rights — but which is inflated to fill the whole screen .
22 But what is needed to achieve an attack on the causes of poverty , a democratic will in the rich countries to let their political leaders spend more on fighting want , seems further off than ever .
23 It is hard to argue the point since no broad surveys have been carried out in Bangkok , but what is known offers little ground for hope .
24 It is for this reason , more than any other , that the application has caused so much public concern , since what is proposed raises quite fundamental questions about the way in which this special coastal landscape could be protected or despoiled in the longer term .
25 The human system is geared to this acquisition , and even when what is learned appears to be maladaptive or produces negative traits , it derives from a natural process .
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