Example sentences of "[conj] [that] [pron] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Determination to deal with the situation " properly and once and for all " but coupled with the confusion of not knowing precisely what to do for the best , particularly in the face of vast quantities of advice all of which seems perfectly clear — except that it directly conflicts with other equally vast and equally clear advice from other sources .
2 ‘ Before you ses anythin' , ’ said Carrie as Willie stood up , crimson , ‘ we 've jest come to tell you that we 're miserable about you not being in our class and that we still wants you to come round with us like . ’
3 Another possibility is that all quasars and BL Lac objects are beamed roughly towards us , and that something else distinguishes them — something that so far remains hidden in the enigmatic central powerhouse .
4 Honeywell says that the agreement is a long term one , and that it also plans to use Apple 's next generation Macintosh — the one that will use the PowerPC RISC processor , in future generations of the Electronic Library System .
5 IBM reckons the 970 achieves a SPECmark rating of 100.3 , making IBM the first to produce a RISC system which scores a century on the benchmark , and that it also does 100.9 transactions per second on the Transaction Processing Performance Council 's TPC-A benchmark .
6 It is true that home blood testing provides more accurate information than that available from urine tests , especially in patients with an abnormal renal threshold , and that it also provides information about everyday fluctuations .
7 This last point implies that psychoanalysis , as such , is not concerned with the truth or falsity of religious beliefs , and that it rather counteracts the earlier arguments about religious beliefs being neither justified by sense experience nor rational arguments .
8 I think myself that this was the case , and that it scarcely makes him very different from many other hard-working people .
9 It 's so easy to keep clean that and that it only wants wiping over , you know .
10 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is worth pointing out to young children that in 1950 it took a man on average industrial wages a week to earn enough to buy his Christmas turkey and that it now takes a person in a similar position just 90 minutes to do so ?
11 The Polish government 's statistical office believes that the output of private industry ( excluding farming ) grew by 50% over the past year , and that it now accounts for 18% of national income , up from 11% in 1989 .
12 The company says that overseas royalties it has earned on behalf of the authors , artists and publishers it represents have increased five-fold in the last three years , and that it currently licenses its properties in 25 countries .
13 Now scientists are saying that the land itself is foreign and that it too has travelled vast distances across ancient oceans — at the rate of some 25 cm a year .
14 We know that it still has a poll tax element , that it will still need a register , and that it still does not relate to the ability to pay .
15 I think he 's set the agenda , but governments are the people who are meant to take action on agendas , and that he clearly has n't done .
16 Many of these ‘ deformations ’ may also owe something to the fact that , as Cézanne moved from one section of his canvas to another , he unconsciously altered the structure of objects in an effort to relate rhythmically each passage of painting to the areas around it.1 But apart from emphasizing the aesthetic or two-dimensional plane on which he was working , the tipping forward of certain objects or parts of objects also gives the sensation that the painter has adopted variable or movable viewpoints and that he thus has been able to synthesize into a single image of an object a lot of information gathered from looking at it from a series of successive viewpoints .
17 Burton 's approach can be seriously criticized on the grounds that he pays little attention to such problems as the globalization of capital , class struggle or ideology , and that he often appears to confuse society and system at both the descriptive and the conceptual levels .
18 What I have in common with the Kurd is green eyes , the fact that he came to England at the same time as I did — and that he too looks like a refugee from a Verdi opera .
19 Yet old farmers say that Frederick does still live , and that he occasionally appears disguised as a pilgrim .
20 Largely through Gould 's influence , it has recently become fashionable to say that Goldschmidt was underrated in his own lifetime , and that he really has much to teach us .
21 Whatever the truth of the matter , however , it is enough for present purposes to note that the latest date given in any of the sources is 873/1468 and that there thus appears to be a gap of at least five years between the death of Fahreddin Acemi and the accession of Molla Husrev to the Muftilik .
22 We learn that he has not only killed his brother-in-law for opposing the Iranian government but that he unrepentantly believes that ‘ war is the source of love and hope and satisfaction . ’
23 Leigh-Pemberton said yesterday that PR was a subject that ‘ quite interested ’ him at the time , but that he now has ‘ no particular views ’ .
24 It can happen that at the time of the sale the seller is not the owner ( and thus is in breach of the condition in section 12 ) but that he subsequently obtains that ownership , e. g. by buying the goods from their owner .
25 Therefore , take what occurs around the 29th or thereabouts as a definite sign or signal from the heavens that not only must life go on , but that it also has to get better and better .
26 We 've already designated Spectra or Dyneema line for your stunter and for the good reason that this material is not only lightest for its strength , but that it also has the property of sliding on itself even with as many as fifteen twists between flyer and kite .
27 If I was asked what I felt characterised the walking around Wensleydale , I would say that it has all the expanse and sweep of the bigger dales like Wharfedale but that it also has jewels of villages like West Burton and Askrigg and the fine falls of Hardraw and Aysgarth .
28 From the above it is evident that the quality of a reading experience does not relate entirely to the quality of the reading material , but that it partly relates to those things the reader brings to the text .
29 For example , suppose that airline pilots are paid far more than their transfer earnings , but that it always takes three pilots ( pilot equivalents ) to fly a plane .
30 It is noteworthy that Ælfgifu is not called queen , but that she nevertheless occupies a position next to Emma and before the archbishop of Canterbury .
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