Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The question whether to continue training or not invariably depends on the expert and his or her individual belief .
2 Most of the world 's cultivable areas are , by comparison , either hardly touched or not yet touched at all .
3 Whether a particular level of credit payments should be seen as high or not obviously depends on the consumer 's income .
4 This is that the policy was not an attack on the universities so much as a defence of their interests — whether or not correctly understood by officials and ministers .
5 Whether the dams are built or not now depends on the success of environmentalists in pressurizing the World Bank into withdrawing credit for the projects .
6 They were to become the crucial factor which saved the Fens from total inundation , and although not generally adopted in Somerset , they fast became a typical feature of such wetland landscapes as the Lancashire Fylde and the Hull valley .
7 Although not infrequently recorded in the 19th century , when it was possibly a fairly regular winter visitor , only six were recorded between 1900 and 1929 , and there has been only one since , at Selsey Bill on 30 July 1961 .
8 But the arguments soon broke out again , because the Aube wines , although not officially included as Champagne wines , were not officially excluded either .
9 Although not exactly stuck for words , nothing that he has said has yet entered the language .
10 In about the middle of the eighteenth century , John Zoffany , a portrait painter , arrived in England , and although not regularly accepted at first , he became friendly with Garrick and other actors which lifted his prospects , so he took a lease of a house called ‘ London Style ’ , which was set back from the north bank of the River Thames , just east of Kew Bridge , but later his wife and children occupied a house on the river front on Strand-on-the-Green , which house was named after the painter .
11 Although not previously described in the literature at the molecular level , ZNF gene clustering is probably a common phenomenon in mammalian genomes .
12 Secondly , the techniques , although not widely developed to date , may culminate in the creation of more productive plant and animal crops that could help alleviate food scarcity problems in developing countries by increasing the viability of traditionally based agroecosystems , thus obviating the need for the cultivation of new lands .
13 Although not yet evaluated as a protective vaccine , heat killed M vaccae has been shown to reverse the progress of tuberculosis , even that due to multidrug resistant strain .
14 Although not normally distributed on initial testing , the data were rendered normal by logarithmic transformation .
15 Although not strictly speaking within the scope of this book , since it is an entirely artificial substance , enamel needs to be mentioned if only because it served as an alternative to natural stones in enriching jewellery and other symbolic objects .
16 Although not closely related to other river dolphins , the tucuxi is included here because it shares a similar habitat .
17 But the failings are not a reason for abandoning a system which is based upon very reasonable principles , although not always working in practice .
18 Although not formally trained as a historian of ancient art , Ortiz 's scholarship is widely respected .
19 Although not formally linked to other current multilateral negotiations , the signing of an Open Skies treaty was widely regarded as an important means of facilitating agreement on verification questions at the Vienna CFE negotiations .
20 The attack , like the March 2 bombing which killed Ranjan Wijeratne [ see p. 38103 ] , was attributed to the LTTE although not formally claimed by them .
21 Although not explicitly referred to in this statement , issues such as the size of a united Germany 's armed forces and its relationship to NATO were expected to be discussed under this umbrella , dubbed the " two-plus-four " formula ( that is , the two Germanies plus the four allies ) .
22 If , as implied although not explicitly stated in the Origin , man was descended from other animals , it was no longer possible , or so it seemed , to regard human behaviour as the product of the will , and at the same time to accept Descartes 's view that animals are machines .
23 Although not necessarily used with a database , it proves suitable in that environment and in Chapter 15 a case study is described of an application developed with a database .
24 Although not totally immured from the political activities of the 1930s , Williams nonetheless appears to have been completely absorbed in his academic studies at Oxford .
25 Other types of mental handicap may be caused by genetic disorders , although not specifically related to chromosomes .
26 Although not specifically related to sport , Robert Malina 's work begins with the observation : ‘ populations differ in a variety of biological and cultural characteristics and motor performance and strength are no exception ’ ( 1973 , p.333 ) .
27 Marriages between Muslim men and non-Muslim women , although not specifically prohibited by Islamic law , were also relatively uncommon .
28 Although not directly connected to the constitutional difficulties being experienced by Canada , McKenna acknowledged the indirect connection when , speaking of the growing co-operation between the four provinces , he admitted that he had " seen more co-operation during the last six months than I 've seen in the last five years that I 've been Premier " .
29 Even Isaac Newton ( 1642–1727 ) , although not directly influenced by Joachim , devoted much of his time to the correlation of prophecy , history , and the end of the world .
30 Although not directly linked to the Suso affair , Lee Seung Yoon had been criticized for the country 's rising inflation and trade deficit .
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