Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 as far as the racking itself 's concerned has it erm affected the stability of the racking or has it just dented it I mean is do we need to do anything about it ?
2 Is this a sign of a tradition-conscious reappraisal of iconology in the town where it began , or has it more to do with the current emphasis of your Department ?
3 If you 're wanting to take er early retirement and erm you 're wanting enhancement say you retire at fifty nine and you want some enhancement , can you ask for enhancement sort of up to sixty five or has it only got to be up to sixty ?
4 I mean , does it really bore them ( so that they do n't need it at all in their lives ) or does it secretly shock and dismay them , so that they have to pretend to be bored ?
5 Is it , therefore , a great finishing hole or does it simply feed off the pressure of the Masters ?
6 Or does it simply train them to become expert exercise-doers in the safety of the home or the classroom ?
7 Or does it simply increase women 's fear of crime ?
8 Is there any local investment in the project , or does it just involve you and the builders ? ’
9 ‘ Did you learn to talk so nice in charm school , or does it just come naturally ? ’
10 Or does it just indicate the different ways in which national political shifts are experienced locally ?
11 Is it just to do with production quality control or does it also embrace marketing , accounting and other functions ?
12 Or does it also stumble before this hurdle ?
13 ring a bell or does it actually pour out of a speaker what comes out of a speaker ?
14 Is it only a paper tiger , or does it really have teeth ?
15 But perhaps worst of all , it has been clearly demonstrated that while a change in attitudes to a brand or product can precede a purchase of that brand , it can equally well follow the purchase : does attitude change influence a purchase , or does it merely result from it ? — since people often feel the need to justify a purchase , especially a major purchase , after they have made it .
16 Does it really wish to dissolve itself into a European federation , as many of its intellectuals claim , or does it still have specifically Greek aims to pursue in the Balkans and the Middle East ?
17 But they raised the question of authority only in the most ambiguous terms : ‘ we have yet made no mention of change in authority nor has it even entered our hearts , but seeing that France and the Queen Regent here , her priests , etc. , intend nothing but suppressing Christ 's evangel … we are fully purposed to seek the next remedy and withstand their tyranny ’ .
18 At Tankersley , the custom has not been continuous since its introduction , nor has it always appeared on Feast Sunday or even on a Sunday at all .
19 It has certainly not been the only movement , nor has it always taken the same form or led to the same conclusions .
20 Er reimbursement for expenses so petrol , postages that sort of thing , but the time of running around you ca n't get back , which is one of the factors that back to the old Which magazine they never deal with this say yes you can deal with it and I read some person that says it only took me forty hours , yes forty hours at legal rates , well that would be a big bill .
21 The evidence which exists is not comprehensive , nor does it adequately differentiate between different systems in terms of educational progress .
22 A survey based on a stratificational analysis is not appropriate or feasible for a sociolinguistic study carried out in Brazil ; the chief objections are that the notion of a continuum is neither congruent with the sharp distinction between rich and poor , nor does it adequately discriminate between the individuals studied , all of whom were relatively poor .
23 Nor does it immediately show us how this approach allots a special role to the economy , since the dominant contradiction of a society may be a feature of any practice at all , and may change with circumstances .
24 WHILE this approach undoubtedly has advantages in that effort is directed to areas where a known interest exists — TO my way of thinking it fails to stimulate growth sufficiently quickly to satisfy what I consider SHOULD be a market led approach , nor does it satisfactorily communicate our case to the potential customers .
25 That is to say , the variation is not necessarily patterned in one single linguistic dimension ( for example , it does not necessarily move in a single phonetic direction : it may diverge in two or more directions ) , nor does it necessarily display a unilinear or unidirectional pattern in terms of any independent ‘ social ’ variable : on the contrary , the patterns shown in relation to different social variables may conflict and interact in a variety of ways .
26 Nor does it necessarily follow that if polytechnics were somehow to promote part-time and sub-degree courses , that they would be taken up by large numbers of children of manual workers .
27 Land reform does not necessarily lead to an immediate rise in output , neither does it increase a physical supply of land , nor does it significantly alter the ratio of peasants for the amount of land available .
28 So children are not little realists or little phenomenalists , nor does it really make sense to say that they ‘ waver ’ between the two .
29 Secondly , in an exchange like the following ( from Lyons , 1977a : 668 ) : ( 94 ) A : I 've never seen him B : That 's a lie the pronoun that does not seem to be anaphoric ( unless it is held that it refers to the same entity that A 's utterance does , i.e. a proposition or a truth value ) ; nor does it quite seem to be discourse-deictic ( it refers not to the sentence but , perhaps , to the statement made by uttering that sentence ) .
30 But again it 's , it 's another one of these things that makes it really complicated .
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