Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Everyone , it seemed , was anxious to contribute , and ‘ Oh , the rubbish that turns up for the Dolls ' House . ’
2 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
3 So we see that if you have a school that goes up to the ninth grade , the Ministry covers the costs up to the sixth grade but the other years are paid for by parents .
4 When you pick up the rec , the , the hands it will actually take you through to the nearest police control room area now , if it 's on the M eleven then most of the calls will go into Chelmsford , our police headquarters , once you cross over the borders and go into Metropolitan area , then that goes up to the Scotland Yard in their control rooms .
5 he 's got er , it 's like a bank that goes up in the fields
6 So the shape of those things can be very important and , if we 're going to look at those , y'know look at communication within an organisational structure we can think about communication that goes up from the bottom of the organisational structure to the top , we can look at communication that goes down , from the top of the organisation downwards and we can look at communication that goes across , okay ?
7 What emerges from an examination of the FFYP is that it set a pattern for the Soviet economy that persists up to the present day .
8 The strength of colour that builds up through the summer and autumn gradually disappears and the winter garden is usually left with weak and delicate shades .
9 There are two types of corn , the hard variety — which usually develops on the tips or top of the toes — and the soft corn that builds up between the toes .
10 the other the black moment you know th the bit where I I put in the bit where the he broke his leg and the mortgage was gon na be foreclosed on him I mean that builds up to the black moment which is a necessary part of the story and then he got out of it erm because the house relented and showed him where the copper kettle was that was worth the money .
11 A , a curtain is used to screen you off , and if it 's a very cold day we 've got infra-red heat we 've got a lamp above the he , the couch and we actually put on the infra-red heat so we warm you up first before you start , before we start so your body is feeling nice and warm and you 're feeling relaxed , we have nice music playing and it does help right , with the tension that builds up on the shoulders .
12 Now , if any of you get terribly tense at the back of shoulders which we all seem to do nowadays , if you come for just a back and shoulder massage , we actually work on the back of the neck and along the shoulders using massage movements which helps to relax you , which helps to actually break down the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles that causes you pain .
13 The boathook is planted deep in its belly , a grotesque fifth limb that rears up into the air as it turns over .
14 I think the bit that stands up above the horizon is fine , I mean I think that gives you a good idea of what it would have been like had you been able to get the whole , or not perhaps the whole of it , but a lot more of the post up above the horizon simply by getting down lower .
15 Helen chose a small-patterned carpet that stands up to the combined wear and tear of two dogs , two cats and three children .
16 Labour must , once again , be the party that stands up for the individual against the vested interests that hold him or her back …
17 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
18 He went out and took the path that leads up over the ridge to the ferry .
19 The SoftPC version that gets up on the Mac will be the full Windows product that Insignia has just licensed from Microsoft , so that Windows and MS-DOS programs will be able to run legitimately on an IBM Corp chip-powered Mac .
20 But in favour of the latter is the awkwardness of the absence of a preposition before rendering , " they will grow wings " , and the Targum 's " and they will be renewed in their youth like the sprouting ( of plumage ) that rises up upon the wings of eagles " .
21 I remember , you know er Michelle that works up in the Body Shop ?
22 ‘ Specially if they manage to fire the place an ’ have a secret bolthole that comes up outside the line of the fence . ’
23 They thereby avoid commitment to any current fad that comes up on the whirligig of fashion .
24 What I 'm against is the inference that we do n't put any other matters erm that comes up on the subject if it arose prior to the to June .
25 No , but I 've read erm that one about that thing that comes up out the ground it was so creepy , it was really creepy .
26 It is approached along a forty-mile-long fiord and the approach instructions are that the pilot should turn left at the entrance by the sunken freighter that sticks up in the fiord , or else run out of airspace and crash into the sheer mountains that rise to seven thousand feet at the end of it .
27 Shrugging the receiver between cheek and shoulder places an enormous strain on the sternocleido-mastoid muscles , the prominent bulges on each side of your neck , and the splenius capitis , the muscle that runs up to the base of your skull and stops you wearing your head at a jaunty angle .
28 The tutorial supplied is excellent and more than makes up for the formal style of the manuals .
29 But with further tuition in the UK they can move on to full doctor status and for many students the chance to experience life in another country more than makes up for the extra years of study .
30 But the interesting people she meets more than makes up for the bad ones .
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