Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [vb pp] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She seems to thrive on heretical statements and swimming against the tide : ‘ I look at what the cosmetic trade is doing and walk in the opposite direction , ’ she declares with the kind of outspoken defiance that has made her a retailing legend in the decade it took her to turn The Body Shop into a worldwide phenomenon .
2 Young Patsy ‘ Eighth Wonder ’ Kensit displays the style and poise that has made her a Hollywood superstar .
3 A leadership style that has made her a remarkably effective prime minister would be a crippling liability in the White House .
4 But he 's prepared to be judged on the kind of material that has made him a television star .
5 This absorption gives the spectacular deep blue that has made it a popular material for ornaments since the Middle Ages .
6 All of that suggests that the sheep industry is poised to make the most of the structural accident that has made it the biggest producer of lamb in the Northern Hemisphere .
7 LONGER THAN the longest dusty trail , The Mekons ' history stretches back to punk rock primitivism and back up to date with C&W-flavoured pop that has gained them a pant-moistening popularity with the critics Stateside and a curiosity corner popularity in Britain .
8 LONGER THAN the longest dusty trail , The Mekons ' history stretches back to punk rock primitivism and back up to date with C&W-flavoured pop that has gained them a pant-moistening popularity with the critics Stateside and a curiosity corner popularity in Britain .
9 They are now mothers with the responsibility for a child , and some of them would maintain that it is their baby that has given them the determination to do something more with their lives , however hard this may be .
10 ‘ I want to put something back into the game that has given me a good life . ’
11 Yesterday the Labour coordinating committee met for its annual get together , now this is the body that has set itself the task of modernizing the Labour Party , a difficult task at the best of times , made more difficult now because there is a growing shortage of volunteers for the cause , they ca n't even raise enough members to fill their own executive .
12 ‘ It amazes me he should now want to kill the goose that has laid him the golden egg .
13 But now he 's back on the track chasing the appearance money that has earned him a detached house in the Surrey stockbroker belt of Lightwater .
14 But there is one inflammatory comment that has guaranteed him an FA rap .
15 He who shall find his field , or his vineyard , or his garden , desert , let him incontinently enter thereon ; and he who shall find his husbanded , let him pay him that hath cultivated it the cost of his labour , and of the seed which he hath sown therein , and remain with his heritage , according to the law of the Moors .
16 A sense of something old , strange and eerie came over me as we passed directly below Benbulbin , that strange grey-green mountain , chief link in the chain that guarded Ulster and has made it the most separate of Irish provinces from the beginning of time .
17 Keyhole cockpits are now almost universal but high density polyethylene is still unique to Prijon and has given them the edge in plastic white water kayak design .
18 Owen uses the story of the binding of Isaac to comment on the war in which he was fighting , and has given it a vicious twist at the end .
19 We are delighted to report that Lady More has agreed to become the first president of the Society and has given us a most generous donation in memory of her husband .
20 God means us to know that we are in Christ , and has given us the Spirit to assure us .
21 God means us to grow in Christlikeness , and has given us the Spirit to change us .
22 Stewart ( 31 ) will join the Glens this week and has set himself a three week target to be ready for first team action .
23 ‘ Ian Crook came out of Tottenham reserves and has shown what a quality player he is .
24 The Emperor takes personal command of his army whenever possible , and has earned himself an impressive record of victories and conquest .
25 Fedelma has only started up the business since beginning the course and has found it a ‘ great practical help ’ .
26 THE Albert Fisher fresh food distributor is to raise £180million to fund expansion and has found itself a strong shareholder in the process .
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