Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [pers pn] into the " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the singer-songwriter creed , attention is always drawn away from the song to the figure of the person working at it : there 's a flagrant exhibitionism that forces us into the role of voyeur .
2 Their new single , Family , includes all these elements and could be the one that breaks them into the big time .
3 Well , so we do , about Handel and the way he makes the best effect ( at least on us ) ; but a different kind of historical awareness is needed here , one that puts us into the frame of mind of late eighteenth-century Vienna and its perception of Handel .
4 well , then that brings them into the realm of politics and is it such a good idea to have a royal family with opinions that are funded by the state ?
5 These works make explicit what is only suggested in this livret the opening number of the work serves as a processional for the instrumentalists and some or all of the singers and dancers that brings them into the performing space .
6 " It is not a job that brings him into the public eye , but , believe me , he is one of the most trusted officers of the bank . "
7 He wrenches his cigarette from his mouth , glares at me and grinds it into the ashtray , disconcerted by the firecracker element .
8 Aptly named Swing Shift , John Frieda takes looks of the past and transforms them into the sleek , set styles of today — with a little from modern technology of course !
9 Bureaux are polled annually for suggestions for rewriting parts of the system and the IPG weights these and builds them into the plans .
10 Human computation is wonderfully sensitive to context ; it captures the spirit in the message and turns it into the appropriate letters .
11 The body has an organising intelligence that orders it and runs all the processes and functions of the parts and integrates them into the whole .
12 Discussion — which develops conclusions and incorporates them into the historical pattern of evolving knowledge , perhaps offering some conjectures but avoiding speculation .
13 It draws magical power from the War Altar and passes it into the Grand Theogonist .
14 To persevere with our mechanical analogy , if we picture the forming of a bond as equivalent to putting the jack in the box , we need to bring to the box a special tool with a ready-compressed spring , and couple them together in such a way that , as the spring in our tool is released , it compresses the spring of the jack and forces it into the box .
15 Of course , how this policy might be arrived at is an issue in its own right and takes us into the field of school-focused inservice work and curriculum development .
16 The 1973 Act extended beyond planning blight and takes us into the much broader area of the law relating to compensation .
17 He picks up the Business Section of the Times and takes it into the kitchen .
18 With horror and doubt on his face , the elder seizes a pitchfork and hurls it into the gangster 's back ’ It could be argued from the Kantian standpoint that the elder had failed in his duty by not upholding the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence .
19 ‘ It makes them more responsible for their own work and gets them into the idea that they have to work outside normal school hours .
20 Instead the club encourage people to join the membership scheme , which gives priority when buying tickets ( and gets you into the West Stand ) , and with which you may be able to buy tickets at away grounds on the day .
21 Vic selects a cassette and slots it into the four-speaker stereo system .
22 Unless she comes to the front door , and follows you down the path ; or comes to the back door and follows you into the garden .
23 She hands me the hat and moves me into the middle of the pavement .
24 The key point is that this approach takes video information out of the analogue world and converts it into the digital world of the computer and this conversion is an on-going , realtime process .
25 Now what tends to happen is , as you know , there is lots and lots of different guests on his chat show and if he feels threatened by them in any way shape or form , what he does he relaxes her , comes in over the top , turns them over , takes them by the shoulder and pushes them into the chair and what he is saying , he is saying , this is my chat show , do n't you submit .
26 Stay with your way of praying , provided it helps and brings you into the presence of God .
27 Stay with the method of prayer that helps most and brings you into the Presence of God .
28 The new Expressway gives easier access from the main motorway network and brings you into the Town Centre of Colwyn Bay .
29 He finishes the cigarette , drops the butt onto the floor and mashes it into the carpet slowly .
30 Tepilit runs up to the lion , draws his long knife from its sheath and sticks it into the lion 's throat .
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