Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [art] [noun] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If the nearest unit of Orcs or Goblins is engaged in hand-to-hand combat or declares a charge this turn then the Snotlings must charge the nearest enemy if they can .
2 The case in fact that was put forward by the North Yorkshire County Council Highways and Traffic committee was in fact that the need as so clearly expressed by Mr is that it is the A fifty nine that needs the relief more than anything else an therefore the proposal is that the northern relief road be it an inner or an outer , be built first .
3 Nor has the author any more substance .
4 A team that reaches the final all play square can not win the game by winning a round controlled by another team .
5 In short , DesignWorks 1.2 is a program that takes a function many other applications have sophisticated , and ‘ simplicated ’ it .
6 Now we 've got through with the part that tells the audience all about Simple John Preston , let's have your reasons .
7 Most people involved with them belong to a cult that Speaks a language few of us understand .
8 Another thing that makes the animals such difficult subjects is the fact that they are so heavily persecuted .
9 No , I do n't get bored at all with it , er because snooker is not er like American pool , where you go out there with a stick and just knock balls all over the table ; snooker is snooker , and the name of snooker is to play this , you know , this game of chess on the green baize , and er that 's what , you see this is where Davis has been so good for so long , a ) he 's a supreme professional , he once apologised for only practising for two hours on Christmas Day rather than four , er and if you look at Davis ' score sheets and his matches , which I 've done over the years , you 'll see a lot of breaks of around sort of fifty five , sixty , sixty five , and then he stops , he plays the safety shot and says to his opponent ‘ okay , your turn ’ , plays the percentage game , the occasional knock in the very big ones , but that 's why he 's won so much , because he thinks it out so well , and knows the averages , knows the percentages and plays the game that way .
10 The illusionism which conjures a complete and natural ( I would prefer apocalypticnatural ) city out of materials as unpromising as the colour yellow , also yields up Raskolnikov like a natural secretion , and this vouchsafing process encompasses and transcends the resources both of first- and third-person narrative .
11 Room must be left on the upwind side in case there is a cable break or premature release , and on the down wind side in case the wing touches and causes a swing that way .
12 The content of the primary obligation is , as it seems to me , exactly the same and if that of the tenant touches and concerns the land that of the surety must , as it seems to me , equally do so .
13 Brittain believes that Top Class would have caused Nashwan and Cacoethes a lot more problems had he not gone to the front so early .
14 The general education element is usually concentrated in the first two years ( 'lower division' ) of the four-year course , and takes the form either of distribution requirements which ensure that students cover a certain range of subjects , or else a common course organized around certain themes or topics , such as the ‘ Great Books ’ course or Boyer 's ( 1987 ) suggested ‘ integrated core ’ ( language , art , heritage , institutions , nature , work , identity ) .
15 A mother who loves her daughter can experience real anguish on her behalf if she becomes totally dependent upon her , and recognises the limitations this imposes on her social life and activities .
16 As Adam Smith remarks in 1759 : ‘ When a person comes into his chamber , and finds the chairs all standing in the middle of the room , he is angry with his servant , and rather than see them continue in that disorder , perhaps takes the trouble himself to set them all in their places with their backs to the wall .
17 Stiffer suspension control helps the handling on the faster car and gives the driver more control .
18 On the one hand he is conceived and baptised by the Holy Spirit , and promises the gift.of that Spirit to his followers after his death .
19 Your Bristol & West Mortgage Advisor is the ‘ anchorman ’ ( or woman ) for the whole operation — and does a lot more than just give you a ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ when you ask for a mortgage .
20 So the president of Y Products manages more people , governs a greater share of corporate resources , and earns a lot more money for the parent company than does the president of Z Press .
21 On the new discs the material is recorded in batches called ‘ frames ’ , and electronic circuitry counts the reproduced frames and controls the speed that way .
22 His powerful , concentrated , gently oaky Boteleur at £6.99 is a classic but needs a bit more time and his Green label Chardonnay also at £6.99 is a real winner , multi-layered , rich and toasty .
23 7.9.2 to procure either that the interest of the Tenant and any undertenant and its or their mortgagees are noted or indorsed on the policy or that the insurers issue a waiver of subrogation rights as regards the Tenant any undertenant and its or their mortgagees
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