Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] not [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Lord Morton of Henryton commenting on that example said that in each case it would be for the Commissioners to make a finding as to whether the income in question was or was not paid to or for the benefit of the child by virtue or in consequence of the settlement .
2 Gastro-oesophageal reflux of gas resulted in a peculiar manometric pattern consisting of repetitive peristaltic pressure waves that were not related to swallowing .
3 Article 6 has never been implemented and it is highly unlikely that it would be used in this way , especially as the consequence would be to release the offending State from those Charter principles that were not deemed to be customary international law .
4 But when they turned him over there was a sound like a fart and all his insides had sicked out , bits that were n't meant to be seen and which God accordingly had n't bothered to finish off like the rest .
5 Yeah , oh it was predictable that was n't go to work .
6 It has been like that , something that was n't happening to us . ’
7 However , the rights in all of the components of 's original work that was not provided to by , including but not limited to , curricular text , sound , graphics , screen design and layout incorporated in the Licensed Products remains with .
8 This was evidently a family that was not going to be brought closer by grief .
9 My ploy of leading our little group of producers with programme instruction by example was a compromise that was not going to work .
10 ‘ Well , touring with Fleetwood Mac seemed like something that was not going to be much of a pleasure for me .
11 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
12 One of the musicians who played in the band with Buddie had once ruffled Frankie 's thick black hair and called him ‘ Smallfry ’ in a way that was not meant to be unkind .
13 In a second study , Kennedy ( 1972 ) found that repetition after 1 year was less common in patients admitted to the Edinburgh Regional Poisoning Treatment Centre ( 12 per cent ) than in those who made attempts and were not referred to the Centre , irrespective of whether the latter were referred to psychiatrists elsewhere ( 38 per cent repeated ) or not ( 37 per cent repeated ) .
14 The 1977 Porchester report published figures provided by MAFF to indicate the potential loss of agricultural production if 16,000 hectares of Exmoor stayed as rough sheep grazing and were not converted to grassland .
15 After one year 26 per cent of patients had ceased contact with services and were not known to be resident in the area .
16 Checking their activities to see that they were confining themselves to local products , and were not turning to smuggling was very difficult until improvements in transport and in the structure of government meant that the vast majority of imports paid duty .
17 Phormio 's alliance was hardly , given the distance of Akarnania from Athens , the considered policy of the Athenian Assembly — the general just made it on the spot — and may have been mere opportunism , for Athens made many alliances which never came to anything and were not expected to .
18 We girls were only the workhorses really — we read the instruments , plotted the charts , made the tea and kept the office clean , and were not meant to be able to give a weather forecast .
19 But , in ruling out a coup , Trent had to presume that the arms had a further destination and were n't connected to the drug scenario .
20 The night raids with a few sporadic bangs and our own guns , and twice a silver Zeppelin picked out by a search light , seemed fun — because we all came downstairs and stayed up late and were n't expected to be bright at school next morning .
21 The ECSC was not , and was not intended to be , that type of institution .
22 Jazz gave little away , and was not given to complaint .
23 As Mr Leslie had explained earlier he was completely sober and was not given to imagination , he screwed his eyes up looking for the reason for the footsteps ; he could n't see the feet but heard them quite distinctly passing him in the ballast below .
24 By the early 790s , though still only a deacon , he was corresponding on behalf of Charlemagne and the Frankish court with Anglo-Saxon kings , abbots , bishops and archbishops , and was not given to mincing his words .
25 In 1956 he had delivered a scathing attack on Moscow for its invasion of Hungary and was not invited to the Soviet Union until 1971 .
26 Mr Upham , 45 , was at Labour 's campaign headquarters when police broke the news to him and was not expected to be at last night 's count .
27 We were also told that the fire was started in June , and was not expected to be extinguished until the start of the rains , normally in October .
28 Dawn was in a deep coma , and was not responding to painful stimuli , although her pupils were not fixed .
29 Clarence House said she was in ‘ very little distress ’ and was not thought to be in any danger , and her admission was purely precautionary .
30 Collins tired of life on the margins of Scotland 's squad and was not taken to the European Championship finals in Sweden .
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