Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] say to [be] " in BNC.

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1 At the risk of oversimplifying , the new style of labour relations were designed to overcome a high turnover of skilled workers , intense industrial conflict and a lack of motivation and commitment that was said to be the cause of Japan 's reputation as a producer of shoddy goods .
2 Critics of the regime were reported to be openly venting their displeasure ‘ at new laws , announcements of the government about future Party buildings , the planned social legislation , school reform , etc. , ’ and pointed to ‘ the higher taxes , the restrictions on personal freedom , the ‘ threat to the Christian philosophy ’ , the promotions in the civil service almost solely on the basis of attitude and Party membership without any consideration of ability , the activity of the Gestapo , the ‘ reign of terror ’ ( Schreckensregiment ) , the ‘ corruption ’ ’ , and the mismanagement of Party hacks and bosses , and were said to be conveying their discontent and doubts ‘ to ever wider circles ’ .
3 Its feathers were long , silken and of every imaginable colour , and were said to be infused with the glow of Paradise .
4 Bookings were reportedly around a billion dollars and were said to be continuing strong .
5 Floods in the southern provinces of Kompong Speu , Takeo , Kampot and Kandal which had begun in mid-August [ see p. 38390 ] and were said to be the worst in 50 years , left 100 people dead and washed away houses , roads , bridges and railway lines , and by Sept. 4 were threatening Phnom Penh .
6 They were reported to have fled the camps and were said to be attempting to return to their homes .
7 There was curiosity and wonderment at those features of life that went unremarked by the natives but to foreigners were so eccentric , and so quintessentially British , like porridge and kippers for breakfast , ‘ a peculiar liquid which looked like coffee , tasted like poison and was said to be tea ’ , and bottles of HP Sauce and vinegar on the dining table .
8 A roundabout was built at the top of Anerley Hill to provide a run-round loop and was said to be located partly in five different boroughs .
9 He was tall , good-looking and fast-talking , and was said to be a first-class shit .
10 All three were sentenced to 25 years , although Martina Shanahan had served 200 days virtually of solitary confinement at Risley whilst on remand and was said to be losing her mind by the time the trial began .
11 A referendum to dissolve parliament was held and was said to be accepted by 99.9 per cent of the people .
12 Okudaira was still at large and was said to be a member of the Japanese Red Army underground group .
13 Rabah Kebir , a senior figure in the Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) who had reportedly escaped from house arrest in August and was said to be attempting to form an Islamist government in exile , said in an interview with Le Monde of Sept. 18 that the FIS wanted a dialogue with the government , and denied that the party had been responsible for the Algiers airport bombing , or for the assassination in June of the former HCS President , Mohamed Boudiaf [ see p. 38981 ] .
14 Ms Gibson was taken to Hammersmith police station and was said to be too distraught to be interviewed , a CID spokesman said .
15 The singer , best known for the classic Great Balls Of Fire , was expected two days ago but was said to be furious at taking second billing in the Giants of Rock 'n' Roll concerts .
16 The 64-year-old male patient , who was suffering from arthritis , has asked not to be identified but was said to be in stable condition last night .
17 She also suffered from epilepsy and diabetes but was said to be happy and cheerful despite her disabilities .
18 The following FBI investigation focused on Robert Wayne O'Ferrell , a junk dealer in Enterprise , Alabama , who denied any involvement but was said to be helping with inquiries .
19 He was treated at Darlington Memorial but was said to be not badly hurt .
20 His sister , Moira Coles , 34 , of Mapperley , Nottingham , admitted her part in the conspiracy but was said to be a small cog in the operation .
21 The man has not been named by police but was said to be aged 23 .
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