Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Didsbury , St Osyth 's , Worcester and others which had previously had discussions with the CNAA were either already back in discussion , or were soon to be so .
2 Then capping it all is a ceiling of absolute if intricate formality , a prelude and preparation to the first floor rooms that were never to be worked .
3 ‘ My good fortune lay in working with great men who were patient with me and taught me good habits that were never to be forgotten .
4 The inference that was clearly to be drawn from their study was that land reform/land redistribution was the critical factor in the peasant problem : even if the peasants ' lot could be improved by less drastic means .
5 This attitude was also responsible for a new horological invention that was ultimately to be of far-reaching social significance .
6 It was mild by contrast with some of his later invective , but it marked the beginning of a year that was soon to be darkened by violence , malice and crime .
7 ‘ All I can say though is that whatever happens it will be my decision , ’ she said , revealing the determination and single-mindedness that was later to be turned against her .
8 It was this proprietorial attitude that was later to be one of the elements that would alienate Anne , who wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband 's .
9 So although Frazer was doing a kind of anthropology that was later to be rather dis despised , it had something to be said for it .
10 Feelings were thought to be strong , on either side , about the sentence that was now to be carried out .
11 It was a debt that was never to be repaid by the politicians or the generals of both sides , no matter how many red poppies were later bought or how many ‘ Last Posts ’ were sounded on dismal anniversaries .
12 Its significance rested upon its ability to censure the High Authority and to demand its collective resignation , a blunt sanction that was never to be applied .
13 Rather sadly , the sites allotted to these clinics were often away from the main hospital departments and were either to be found in dungeon-like basements or else in prefabricated huts .
14 The following are two examples from brochures in the early 1990s which were distributed to parents and local businesses , and were even to be found in doctors ' and dentists ' waiting rooms .
15 In the early eighteenth century all uncultivated districts were labelled ‘ wild ’ and ‘ horrid ’ , and were therefore to be shunned .
16 These coffins , England 's response in lead to the Egyptian mummy case , became fashionable in the fifteenth century and were still to be seen in some areas in the last decade of the seventeenth century , though they were beginning to decline in popularity during the 1660s and 1670s .
17 On the other hand , the order was ‘ highly localised ’ ( and so unlike a negative injunction or even a mandatory order to commence proceedings abroad ) and was normally to be executed under the supervision of the plaintiff 's solicitor , who was an officer of the court .
18 Govan car sheds were reputedly haunted by a figure which was seen from time to time in a driving compartment of a car but on investigation the figure had disappeared and was nowhere to be found ; the cab was empty yet strangely cold !
19 This was not a total surprise , since Prendergast suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and was frequently to be encountered in the Directors ' Lavatory , but Vic had thought he was alone , and felt rather foolish standing there with the stump of the clothes brush , like an incriminating weapon , in his fist .
20 The ‘ palaeobotany ’ post job description had been agreed with National Museums of Scotland , and was shortly to be advertised in nature .
21 From 14 April 1931 down to September 1933 the Socialists held three ministerial portfolios : Indalecio Prieto occupied the Finance ministry in the Provisional Government and later the Ministry of Public Works ; Fernando de los Ríos was Minister of Justice ; and the Ministry of Labour was occupied throughout by the general secretary of the UGT , Francisco Largo Caballero , a former plasterer who had left school at seven and was later to be Prime Minister of the wartime Republic .
22 Mr Biffen , who was later to become Leader of the Commons and Lord President of the Council , and was eventually to be sacked by You-Know-Who for wholly ideological reasons , was marched back to the hotel to cover himself .
23 As mayor , he launched a campaign to clean up Athens , and was often to be seen — much to the irritation of the government — riding refuse lorries through the city in the early morning .
24 Long after Branson had moved his office to the houseboat Duende and was seldom to be seen by most of the Virgin staff ; long after he had ceased to know everyone by name , or even by sight , Branson himself would continue to refer to a special Virgin ‘ atmosphere ’ , barely perceivable to the outside world .
25 Among several other flaws in Anselm 's election and investiture , there was one which neither Anselm nor anyone else mentioned at the time , but was later to be held against him by the papal legate : on a strict view , his election -in addition to all its other legal defects — had been schismatic , since the king and all the others who took part , with the sole exception of Anselm himself , were schismatics , for they had not recognized Urban II as the legitimate pope although he had now been pope for five years .
26 Lane had his own small office but was rarely to be found in it .
27 Important items of equipment have mysteriously gone missing : a headtorch , which was on my head as I returned to the car at the end of a Wasdale winter expedition but was nowhere to be found when I arrived back home ; or the key , map and information to a hut in Wales for which my club had recently gained reciprocal rights — all three items vanished between locking up the hut on our departure and arriving back home in South Cumbria .
28 Bill Pedler was made an Honorary Member but was never to be quite the force he was prewar .
29 Resigned to being detained for several minutes , Melissa forced herself to be pleasant , making suitable replies to his comments on the weather and agreeing that it was a bit unsettled , that frost was still likely to be a problem but was only to be expected at this time of year .
30 As was only to be expected , the Tory press eagerly took up the cry .
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