Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [verb] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 The US Secretary of State James Baker met subsequently with Shevardnadze and welcomed the proposed cuts at a joint press conference , although he had earlier expressed doubts as to whether the cuts were in fact new or were made up in part by other previously announced withdrawals .
2 Commuters to the capital obviously decided to take a long weekend or were put up in hotels overnight by their employers , said a spokesman .
3 Nevertheless , the independence of the mass media elsewhere has declined : newspapers which had formerly been privately owned either disappeared or were taken over in , among other places , Ghana , Ivory Coast , Zambia , Cameroon and Malawi .
4 Robyn pressed her lips together and half turned so that Anne would n't see the tears that were welling up in her eyes again .
5 He 's in one of those Victorian institutions that were built out in the countryside so the inmates would n't contaminate decent citizens .
6 No clear distinction could yet be made between the wholesale and retail trades that were carried on in the ‘ shops ’ in the historic centre of the city .
7 At present , Wales has rates that are structured on rateable values that were worked out in 1973 .
8 Even the compromises that were worked out in 1689 became a source of partisan divide , as rival groups came into conflict over just how to interpret what had happened at the Glorious Revolution .
9 The description refers to the old buildings that were burnt down in 1834 ( see FIRE WHICH DESTROYED PARLIAMENT ) .
10 She set to work with a vengeance , losing herself in the difficult task of making all those fiercely vivid images of him that were swirling around in her head tangible .
11 There we are working hard to boost the inspection powers of the IAEA to try to address problems of the kind that were thrown up in Iraq .
12 But the asinine policies that were brought through in the th er in the Thatcher era they still are here with us , no matter how they try to get shut of them , the poll tax which has been referred to by Councillor is confusion at its best .
13 older generation that were brought up in under different whatevers ,
14 The numerous non-manufacturing subsidiaries ( such as travel agencies , restaurants and computer software firms ) that were set up in the late 1980s are most vulnerable .
15 He is believed to have acted as a kind of broker for that dangerous spy-ring that was broken up in Holland last year .
16 Charles could see at first-hand the tension that was building up in the vast depressing wastelands of the inner cities , where young people had no work , no ambition , no feeling of belonging , no pride in their surroundings — nothing , in fact , to get out of bed for in the mornings .
17 Jabberwocky is a poem that was made up in Wonderland and it describes some of the wonderful creatures to be seen there .
18 There was no reason , however , to link the unrest that was brewing up in the country with the Kamalian dictator .
19 The dismantling of the Via dei Fori Imperiali and the creation of an archaeological park is an idea that was floated back in the days of Napoleonic occupation .
20 He was not involved in any way with the mining that was carried on in the surrounding area , but he was greatly affected by the frequent serious and often fatal accidents suffered by the miners through premature blasting explosions .
21 The Labour party document states that there should be a return to the old system and to the valuation of properties that was carried out in 1973 .
22 The book is based on research that was carried out in British Rail and RENFE between 1983 and 1986 .
23 And it 's all a situation that was predicted back in nineteen eighty eight when the government cut benefits for sixteen and seventeen year olds .
24 He found her where she clung to a rope that was curled up in a corner of the iron ship and picked her up and carried her through a secret tunnel down through the floor of the ship , down through the underwater creatures , deep into the earth beneath the swirling sea .
25 This generation of vipers has again bitten one of the hands that was stretched out in blessing it .
26 Now that might be wrong but i surely that was the reality of the time , that was the expectation , that was the whole idea that was coming over in terms of , of sort of propaganda and policy , whatever you want to , to call it .
27 In the struggle and confusion that was going on in my heart I knew that he loved me and I loved him , but I also knew that I must leave him !
28 The one thing that was going on in Christ Church was good — did you see the exhibition , the exhibition
29 But one of the great ironies of the second world war was that the freedom and democracy that was won back in Western Europe was largely paid for by the blood of Russians .
30 I was Secretary of the miner 's support group that was set up in Blaenau during the year long miner 's s strike where we collected a lot of food and twinned with a town down in South Wales and made a lot of new friends .
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