Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a convention in Elizabethan drama that slander is always believed , which can be explained perhaps from the necessities of the limited time available , or is perhaps a truth about life ( how many of us instantly disbelieve bad report ? ) .
2 Other rates may apply where the development is acquired second hand , or is merely a refurbishment of an existing industrial building .
3 However , the same sources profess to being amazed at his move to a position ‘ that is clearly a demotion ’ and to a company owned by P&G 's rival Unilever , which is equally formulaic .
4 He , too , is presented with a description of his appearance , dress , behaviour and character that is clearly an exercise similar to the drawing of Alison , and which encourages the comparison of the figures thus drawn .
5 If in doubt , it might be as well to look at a pattern for fabric or to measure the amount of depth on a hemline that is already a favourite .
6 But is n't it er true according the reports in the financial times , that the government at this moment is planning to withdraw Britain from the I L O. Precisely because the I L O has censured Britain a censure that is normally a sanction that is normally applied to countries like Haiti and North Korea .
7 Barring coups , the four Southern Cone presidents will all still be in office in 1994 , and have set themselves a target that is also a spur .
8 To provide a dramatic contrast that is also a unity , the sun must be truly dominant and its satellites must be a family that shares a common property of shape and size : just like an atom or a solar system .
9 A holiday brochure that is also a history lesson in itself is a good briefing for a unique range of military tours that takes in some of the world 's legendary battlefields .
10 Another new feature will be its ability to connect with Unix Network File System servers through a LANtastic server that is also a Unix client .
11 Does not the transparency , the reproducibility of the grid , contradict the modernist ‘ insistence on the opacity of the pictorial field an insistence that is also a claim for its singularity and uniqueness ?
12 She is alive and just as attractive as ever , so please do n't lose touch with this thing of beauty that is certainly a joy forever .
13 It was black , the sort of black that is less a colour than a graveyard of colours , and there was a highly-ornate runic inscription up the blade .
14 It 's a production that is inescapably an extension of your personality — like dress or décor .
15 So when they see an apparent egg that is really a stone , the fact of its being a stone ( not that they have found a stone on the beach , say , which happens to look just like an egg ) swamps their judgement ; similarly when they see a white card changing colour — the blueness is salient not the fact that it started white .
16 It is a backhanded note of dismissal , an explanation that is really an excuse .
17 The very act of sharing this experience with men and women of every background and colour of skin , heightens that sense of being part of something that is truly a part of history .
18 It is clear that the worst child mortality is found among children classified as unoccupied , a term that is usually a euphemism for their economically inactive single parents .
19 Hoare Govett is a leading UK institutional stockbroker that is now a subsidiary of ABN AMRO Bank , the largest bank in Holland .
20 If the more rural areas show up on the whole slightly better than the more populous places that is perhaps a feature that occurs in other aspects of Scottish life ; and let the indwellers in those backward centres of population not repine .
21 As a rule , he prefers to shake his finger at men as they move by wrong paths from the cradle to the grave , and to remind himself with a frown that he , too , is human — a frown that is almost a sigh :
22 He is supporting a scheme that is essentially a monopoly and does not allow for any genuine competitive challenge which , as we have all been informed , is the only real moderating influence on the free market provision .
23 I 'm growing hair for charity but in many respects that 's probably an excuse .
24 If you 're looking for the perfect Valentine 's prezzie for your perfect man that 's just a bit different check these out !
25 Sorry that 's just a bit of advice
26 Sa , and I 'd say yeah but that 's not a pun that 's only a pun if you if you write down this is smashing said erm the robber or the smash and grab , in other words the window fell in , that kind of thing , you know .
27 Tomorrow night on Central we begin a two-part report on a murder that 's still a mystery … ten years after it was committed .
28 But in principle we agree do we not , to back multi-agency meeting , given what we said in the discussion and we will come back to you with something that 's maybe a bit more specific , and more easy to discuss , may I say .
29 More Melina Mercouri , hi , knees , glad you could make it , check food , what the hell that 's never a problem .
30 One of our live tracks , Moving , has got a solo that 's really a speed metal solo , but it actually sounds fine because it works .
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