Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or is only pronouncing the element to be a metal ( or a non-metal ) classification ?
2 Now there are two ways that the new composite sentence token will be of a type that is eventually to acquire a constant significance .
3 The collision was on a town centre route that is fast becoming an accident blackspot .
4 Although the ledger solution , where available , is fine , for many small to medium-sized businesses it 's obviously not the best option within an organisation that is already using a variety of ledgers .
5 Will a new tier of decision-making help to unravel the sort of deadlock that is already strangling the prospects for any change in London ?
6 I saw there were some middle-aged men , single or in small groups , who all wore very dark glasses and pencil-thin moustaches , light raincoats hanging effetely from their shoulders in that Spanish fashion of male superiority that is elsewhere considered the mark of a homosexual .
7 £20m debt that is slowly destroying a boom town .
8 Over the last twenty years or so , one of the things that 's slipped has been those kind of things and I believe and Peter may disagree with me , but a lot of the have been because of the commercial fact that the thing that is now driving the newspapers more than anything else is , is the advertising and advertising revenues and that drives the style of newspapers and stories that are written .
9 The other significant problem that is currently dogging the presentation graphics market is that film recorders come with a paucity of typefaces .
10 Every diocese that is actively pursuing the problem has appointed a Redundant Churches Uses Committee whose task it is to seek out suitable alternative uses .
11 Again , we do not have room to delve into the fascinating area of population changes , but it is clearly true that in the Western world there is an older and ageing population that is radically altering the shape of the population curve .
12 Evan points to a hoist that 's slowly lowering the band 's gear down to ground level : ‘ When we played here last year , we were riding up and down in that thing .
13 While we believe THE FACE to be a pretentious load of bollocks that 's completely lost the plot , we support absolutely your right to continue printing such old tosh .
14 I think that 's maybe because we 're Orcadian for no matter how good we 're feeling if we go you know that yourself if you go south anywhere and you meet up with just anybody that 's ever heard an Orcadian .
15 I do n't know of any boxing match that 's ever captured the interest of people and it was that night , course we never heard the result , not until we got to Egypt , you there was no wireless you see , you did n't know what was happening at all .
16 That ti I was at er canteen at erm and I took my plate , I was there thre two or three days and she says you 're the only one that 's ever brought the plate back .
17 of of this secrecy that 's apparently surrounded the whole thing .
18 CIA might lend you one — or some big company that 's recently completed a successful takeover and does n't need it any more . ’
19 The only thing that 's really captured the city for me was Dermot Bolger 's novel The Journey Home , which used the city as a backdrop for a universal story .
20 Er , I 'd like to propose that Mr J C , a director retiring in accordance with article eighty of the company 's Articles of Association be and is hereby re-elected a director of the company .
21 Giant Eachus , blamed for the second goal in Cyprus which sent Bangor crashing out of Europe in midweek , gifted Glenavon two goals yesterday and is clearly suffering a crisis of confidence .
22 Giant Eachus , blamed for the second goal in Cyprus which sent Bangor crashing out of Europe in midweek , gifted Glenavon two goals yesterday and is clearly suffering a crisis of confidence .
23 News is that it 's alive and well in Eau Claire , Wisconsin , and is even considering an initial public offering of shares — and IBM Corp , which holds a large minority stake , will be marketing and supporting the SS-1 when it comes out .
24 Apparently , if a baby kicks and is repeatedly given a response to that kick by touch , it can become highly responsive when it enters the world .
25 The latest revelation about the Government 's courting of minority parties came amid persistent speculation at Westminster that , on the Europe question , Mr Major has lost control and is effectively running a minority Government .
26 Blackwell 's effective period as governor lasted only a year , from the end of 1688 to New Year 1690 , and is generally reckoned a failure .
27 Lamb 's solicitor Alan Herd , who represented him at the 50-minute hearing , said : ‘ Allan is very unhappy with the decision and is urgently considering an appeal to the Cricket Council .
28 Indeed , comparative legal analysis forms a well-recognised feature of traditional legal scholarship and is increasingly becoming a focus of legal study in its own right .
29 According to the influential El Pais newspaper , Real 's president Ramon Mendoza has rebuked Toshack on a number of counts and is already seeking a replacement for the Welshman hired only last summer on a £1 million contract .
30 A new committee was formed in the Acomb area of York in January of this year and is already enjoying a great success with its fund raising efforts .
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