Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That there is this mutual entailment with respect to the two members of each pair is , or is intimately connected with , the proposition that the two conditionals state the same fact of connection between two things in the world .
2 The thrust of the above arguments is the suggestion that there is , or is widely believed to be , a trade-off between efficiency and equity whose precise form is unknown .
3 Also some ratios are fairly crude eg Index of Labour Turnover , which shows the position in gross terms and gives no indication as to whether turnover is spread throughout the organization or is heavily concentrated in one department or in one occupation .
4 In the same way , the country will add up how much has been paid or is still owed from overseas countries for goods exported to them .
5 If not , and he 's picking the frog out of everyone who has or is still playing for the team , surely Strachan 's contribution far outweighs anything done by the Frog .
6 Thus , where a Chinese wall is maintained and no information passes over it or is actually acquired in some other way , Core Rule 36 should provide protection .
7 Non of that product is or ever has been or is ever going to be sold .
8 This is an arid , fragile environment that is easily damaged by the mechanical impact of motorcycle tyres and according to Luckenbach ( 1975 , quoted in Edington and Edington 1986 ) the ‘ Hare and Hounds ’ race has resulted in the destruction of some 140 000 creosote bushes ( Larrea divaricata ) , 64 000 burro-bushes ( Franseria dumosa ) and 15 000 Mojave yuccas ( Yucca schidigera ) due to mechanical impact and the exposure of plant roots by subsequent soil erosion .
9 As we have seen , this is a crucial part of the mountain goat 's annual cycle and one that is easily disrupted by hunting .
10 This presumably reflects a relatively weak interaction of P100 with CREB that is easily perturbed under blotting conditions .
11 The saturated fat in a diet , more importantly , stimulates the liver to produce more cholesterol in a form that is easily deposited onto the linings of the arteries .
12 But for /Ε/ , the short variant can be a low vowel ( [ a , ae ] ) and the long variant is a mid vowel that is easily heard to be qualitatively distinct .
13 Their impact comes from layers of muted colour and a newly chic sloppiness that is easily imitated by donning any jacket far too big for you .
14 When we see the sun , he says , the ‘ immediate object ’ of our perceiving mind is not the sun itself ‘ but something that is intimately joined to our soul , … an idea ’ .
15 A stimulus that is reliably followed by a given consequence ( whether this be a US or no event at all ) can be ignored .
16 Hence the words of an Act carry a sort of disembodied or dehumanised meaning : not necessarily the meaning intended by any actual person in particular , but the meaning that is conventionally attached to such words .
17 That 's the kind of financial juggling that is desperately needed by Bradford .
18 It is the kind of good , intelligent paternalism that is urgently needed in our education system .
19 In no circumstances whatsoever will there be any admission that the real basic cause of the failure is the one that is most feared to be true .
20 The A.C. is also to share a relevant simple story that is clearly related to the goal .
21 In answering the question posed by the preliminary issue in this case affirmatively I believe that I am doing no more than giving the answer that is clearly called for by application of the common law principles of the law of negligence .
22 An OTC dealer loyally argued against him with a vigour that is rarely seen in a university environment .
23 The informal petty bourgeoisie is a term that is rarely found in attempts to outline class structure in Latin America , but Portes ' usage refers to small-scale entrepreneurs , who have similar characteristics in the class analysis to the dominant class , but who operate at a very different level and have a somewhat precarious existence .
24 But it 's a rich and cautious side that is weirdly contradicted by a fierce self-belief and a currently all-enveloping passion for his band , a real do-or-die enthusiasm that 's frustratingly absent from so many .
25 I think that the bill which we first saw may well not be the bill that is eventually produced at the end of the day .
26 This lays the groundwork for another great factor that is frequently ignored at great expense : because women must have these psychological or romantic preconditions met before they can enter fully into sexual relations , they take a lot longer to ‘ warm up ’ .
27 The link between what are referred to as ‘ sexual anarchists ’ ( for example , David Tribe of the National Secular Society ) and ‘ political anarchists ’ ( for example , the publishers of the LRSB ) is one that is frequently made in Mrs Whitehouse 's writings .
28 MD 's principal product is methylphenidate , a niche drug used to treat attention deficit disorder in children ( a condition that is barely recognised in the UK ) .
29 Think of all the hands-on psychical research that is just coming at you free of charge .
30 And for yourself , and what we do n't wan na do is like I say , is spend money that is just gon na disappear and say shit !
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