Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] [prep] such [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Infectious diseases , particularly the diarrhoeal diseases , are both difficult to prevent and control in such circumstances and they are largely responsible for the high morbidity and mortality rates in many areas of the world .
2 It is obviously devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery , but Dorothy Einon points out that children learn how to give and take from such experiences .
3 It is particularly important , whatever their preoccupations , that managers find time to discuss and help with such problems .
4 It is not for us to decide whether or not a book is racist or obscene or seditious ; society has laid down laws to make such judgments and has conferred upon statutory bodies the power to advise and assess on such matters — however imperfect or fickle such institutions may appear in their assessments .
5 The specialist teacher can help to explain and deal with such problems and increase the confidence of the pupil and the understanding of the regular teacher in unusual cases of anxiety that might otherwise be deemed trivial .
6 The objection that Foucault neglects history because he does not attempt to give reasons why the epistemic shifts he describes occurred is perhaps inevitable but also begs the question : for conventional historiography has in general done nothing but account for such shifts — which has meant that it has consistently failed to recognize alterity and incommensurability in its insistent search for continuities with the past .
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