Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] [indef pn] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Untypically for his age , Chris preferred to play most of his shots to the off rather than drag everything round to leg .
2 Well now , what they 've done something which I think if there as I said to you in the first place , if they 'd have run their cards played their cards right , they could have said to that fellow ‘ look you 've got no rights to be here , we never gave you planning ’ what 's wrong with this planning people , they step here and they step there , there 's people do things without planning permission , they do nothing at all about it , if I was to go and stick something up in my front garden , they 'd come along and say ‘ hey , . ’
3 And that she she looked shocked , you know , she did n't did n't know me like , and er , well she was shocked , and then I said I said , right well we 'll have to get together and sort something out about stopping with her , and Pete said straight away .
4 It must be very frustrating to try and sort something out with her !
5 ‘ I 'd better go and tell someone up at the camp that she 's come round . ’
6 learn my trade that I ought to stay here and put something back into the industry again .
7 The altitude is not very good for some of them : a box of old books that I found had congealed together with the damp and had I dared to try and pull one out from the row of upturned spines , to identify it , all the others would have risen too .
8 Some sites can go and order everything up to a thousand pounds .
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