Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] [coord] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 In the private sector a large number of estate agents , landlords , accommodation agencies and building societies have been found to operate discriminatory registers , refusing to let or sell or lend to black individuals and families , while direct and indirect discrimination in many local authority housing departments has led to black tenants being allocated inferior council housing ( Gordon and Newnham , 1986 ) .
2 After a hour of simpering sycophancy from the presenter , the Prince took the viewer into his garden , where he said he loved to sit and think and talk to his plants .
3 Each weekend begins on Friday evening with supper , followed by an introductory talk , film or video , night prayers and then the freedom to sit and chat or go to bed .
4 They also like activities as well reflectors , where they can stand back and watch and listen to others as well and sometimes within a group activity they actually like to pull back and listen to what others are saying .
5 I could then sit and relax and listen to the other violinists .
6 I know how good he is , but it will be some pressure cauldron next Wednesday evening at Windsor and I think Jack will go with the players who have done the job for him before , and once this trial is over and we have qualified : - ) he will experiment and experiment and experiment to his hearts content .
7 If parents do not care and praise and listen to a child 's reading , schoolteachers ca n't easily make them literate .
8 give 'em a go , let's go and sit and listen to what the bloke says
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