Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She felt she had no power to determine or influence the decisions taken by the LEA and its professional advisers .
2 Very simply , if you wish to be your biological age , it is vital to avoid or counteract the factors contributing to extrinsic ageing as much as possible .
3 For further information , either write to one of the charities you wish to support or contact the Charities Aid Foundation ( CAF ) , Give As You Earn Department , Foundation House , Coach & Horses Passage , The Pantiles , Tunbridge Wells , Kent TN2 5TZ .
4 The National Wildlife Federation warns that voluntary agreements between companies and an agency " which can not verify or enforce the reductions offers little guarantee of progress " .
5 An implication of the latter view is that the enhanced discriminability of A and B should survive the introduction of procedures that act to eliminate or disrupt the associations formed during training .
6 Readers interested in doing experiments involving ultrasonics can buy the basic matching transmitters and receivers quite cheaply but they will need to look up or develop the circuits needed to make them work .
7 European attempts to reduce or cancel the debts met with American refusal — " They hired the money , did n't they ? " said President Coolidge .
8 Unfortunately these findings can not support or reject the reservations held by critics of the scheme .
9 Announcing the government 's decision , Indian Ministers insisted that it was solely related to their wish to proceed without outside interference , and claimed that the project would go ahead , and would meet or exceed the standards set by the Bank .
10 Yet there clearly were affinities between the Paracelsian approach to disease and later models — not least in the insistence that a chemical cure should always be sought rather than accept the physicians word that certain conditions would remain incurable .
11 There has always been a self-proclaimed tendency to look behind the scenes , to see where power really lies , to explore and explode the myths surrounding a society 's image of itself and its political system .
12 The many days spent not only taking oral and written evidence but taking part in the interesting innovation of seminars in which all the participants in the criminal justice system could come together and discuss the issues convinced him that there was no call and no advocate for the creation of a specific offence .
13 In this letter he specifically requests that the girls responsible for the utter fiasco , which should have been our broomstick display last year , are to be kept away from this year 's display so that he can relax and enjoy the events taking place .
14 Topic work helps to motivate and stimulate the children to work hard .
15 We can stand by and watch the crops ripen and grow .
16 ‘ In Europe , everything is done to try and bring the supporters to watch football , ’ Flamengo goalkeeper Gilmar said .
17 At the nearby Dalek outpost preparations are being made to receive emissaries from seven planets , and orders are given by the Black Dalek to hunt down and exterminate the Earthmen known to have landed on Kembel .
18 She scarcely needed to stun the bees with smoke from smouldering moss or puffballs , to wrap and lift the skeps unstung .
19 The danseur must complement and follow the lines drawn by the ballerina as she poses and dances .
20 Then he seemed to squint and see the others standing there .
21 What else did George say apart from the fact will he come and see the paintings do you think ?
22 We 'd like them to come along and see the horses working in the traditional way at the same time they can look at the Autumn colours .
23 Let us be resolved to take and use the opportunities presented by change to the full .
24 Good phrasing is all important : it has to set and keep the dancers going .
25 ‘ Get me something to read and keep the curtains drawn . ’
26 Children playing in fen churchyards in the nineteenth century were able to reach down and touch the coffins exposed by the wasted peat .
27 The selection rules that govern the intensities of valence electronic transitions are derived from the quantum mechanical equations that are used to formalize and understand the processes involved .
28 You had to stand and have the clothes made on you , and just when I thought they looked wonderful , she 'd go RIP ! and snatch a whole sleeve off .
29 He gave the two armed men on the slaves ' camp orders not to leave their posts , as he did not want more hands taking advantage of the confusion to run away and join the maroons infesting Oualie nearby .
30 At least five local people will be employed at the clinic , and the Chinese herbalist will train one person to grow , process and mix the compounds used in treatment .
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